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(my bookiebutttttt)

reminder, if it's spelling mistakes, no it's not ! 🌚

reminder, if it's spelling mistakes, no it's not ! 🌚

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TYLER walked into his bedroom as he rubbed his stomach—he was starving, and he had just gave his maids a day off.

he sat on his bed as he closed his eyes. tyler turned his head to his phone as he was now contemplating about calling rayleigh. maybe the two could go out to eat or something.

tyler grabbed his phone as he quickly went to rayleigh's contact before calling her—the girl almost immediately answered with a smile.

"hey." rayleigh said as tyler greeted her back—he had been wanting to invite rayleigh over for a while, and now that they've kissed and went on a couple dates, maybe she would be comofortble coming over now.

"uh..can you come over?" tyler asked bluntly as rayleigh tilted her head looking at him with the same eyes she got him with.

"yeah, what time do you want me to be there?" rayleigh asked him as he shook his head. "ima come get you." tyler said as she slightly nodded.

"okay, i'll be ready in five." rayleigh said as tyler nodded before the two eventually hung up. soon as tyler heard those three beeps, he quickly got up from the bed to go pick the girl up.

tyler was excited, he did never did this before—he would help rayleigh have a good time while she was over. he wasn't about to ruin this.


tyler and rayleigh walked inside his house as he took them both into the living room—"this is really nice." rayleigh said complementing his house as tyler slightly smiled at her.

"thanks, you wanna watch a movie?" tyler asked as she nodded—the two then headed into the living room.

"you can take ya shoes off." tyler said going into the kitchen as rayleigh nodded before she took her shoes off besides the door.

she then waited for tyler to come back. he then hurriedly came back with two waters as they finally sat down.

tyler quickly grabbed the remote as he went to netflix—"i don't watch movies for real, you got a suggestion?" tyler asked rayleigh as she shrugged before he handed her the remote and water.

rayleigh mumbled a small thank you before she scrolled through netflix. "funny, scary, romantic?" rayleigh asked with a smile as tyler picked the first option. she then went to a madea movie.

rayleigh then scooted next to tyler as he put his arm around her. he quickly grabbed the blanket next to him before putting it around them.

"you hungry?" tyler asked rayleigh as she shook her head no—"ight, if you get hungry just let me know." tyler said as he scooted the girl closer.

rayleigh tried to stop the growing smile on her face, but of course she failed. the two then started watching the movie while laughing at some scenes.


tyler laughed at a different scene before he turned his head or rayleigh. and she was softly snoring with her head on tyler's shoulder.

now that rayleigh was actually sleep, tyler could take the chance to admire her beautiful feautures—if rayleigh decided to date him, he wouldn't even let another guy come in her area.

it was a lot of things tyler never played about, and rayleigh was definitely one. he knew he wanted her in his life—and he would do anything to make that happen.

tyler smiled at the sleeping girl as he grabbed the remote that was sitting besides her before cutting the tv off—he didn't want to wake her, but rayleigh never said that she wanted to spend the night or anything.

but it was already 7 when he called her, so rayleigh was already in bed before he called. she had her nighttime clothes on and everything.

tyler slightly shook rayleigh as she moved a little before opening her eyes. "sorry to wake you up, but did you want me to drop you off or you wanna stay..?" tyler asked hoping she would pick the section option.

rayleigh shook her head slightly as she looked at tyler—"i wanna stay with you." rayleigh said as tyler nodded stopping his smile.

he then stood up before grabbing rayleigh, he lifted her into the air as she wrapped her legs around his torso before laying her head on his chest continuing her sleep.

tyler took them both into his room before laying rayleigh down onto the bed—she almost immediately snuggled up into the pillows as tyler watched her.

"ima take a shower then come back ight?" tyler said as rayleigh nodded while she kept her eyes closed.

tyler then went inside his bathroom trying to be as quick as possible so he could lay down with the girl. this would be the first time this happened, so he wanted her to be as comfortable as possible.

eventually tyler came back inside the room as he cut the bathroom light off—tyler then made his way back to rayleigh as he slid into the bed wrapping his arms around rayleigh.

rayleigh quickly laid her head in tyler's warm chest as they fell asleep just like that.

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