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TYLER opened his eye quickly at the knocking at his door—he let his maids go home for the day, so he was home alone.

his house was fairly big, and nobody could get in without a password at the gate—so whoever was at the door, he definitely knew them.

tyler groaned as he got up from the bed—he then put on his house shoes before going downstairs to open the door.

he walked up to the front door seeing two figures standing there—tyler looked at the camera as he saw his sister standing there along with vanessa.

tyler internally rolled his eyes before he unlocked the door—he was also shirtless, so as soon as vanessa walked in, she couldn't stop staring at tyler.

"hey tyler." vanessa said as tyler muttered a small hey back—"kenzie what? you just woke me up." tyler said in a bored tone before yawning.

kenzie rolled her eyes at her brother before smiling at him—"i missed you!" she said before she hugged him. she then backed up feeling the coldness of his chest.

"go put on a shirt." kenzie said laughing before she walked over to his fridge—"hope you don't mind, i'm hungry." kenzie said grabbing the jar of cookies before sitting down at his kitchen island.

"i do, get out." tyler said pointing to the door as kenzie rolled her eyes—vanessa then looked at tyler as he saw her from the corner of his eye.

"i got a question tyler." vanessa said as tyler looked at her showing he was listening—"do you wanna go to my birthday dinner? it's at 8." vanessa said as tyler looked at her with a bored face.

"ight yeah sure." tyler said brushing the girl off before he turned around to go back upstairs and finish his nap—"kenzie i'm going back to sleep, close and lock the door when you leave." tyler said from upstairs as kenzie yelled okay.

kenzie quickly sat the jar of cookies down before running over to vanessa who was silently screaming—"i told you he wants you! now let's go pick out a sexy outfit for you to wear." kenzie said as her and vanessa silently cheered.

"i love you, and your brother!" vanessa said as kenzie laughed before the eventually left the house.

tyler made it back into his bed as he quickly made himself comfortable before closing his eyes again and drifting off to sleep.


tyler made his way back into his room wrapped in a towel before going over to his phone that was currently vibrating—tyler picked up his phone seeing rayleigh was calling him.

soon as he answered rayleigh gave him a big smile while waving—"hey." rayleigh said as tyler smiled back.

"sup mama, whatchu doing?" tyler asked as she held up her jar of pickles—"eating pickles and watching youtube." rayleigh said shrugging as tyler laughed at the girl.

"whatchu doin?" rayleigh asked seeing tyler wrapped in a towel as he propped his phone up—"getting for my sister's friend dinner." tyler said shaking his head as rayleigh nodded slowly.

"will there be cake? if so save me a slice!" rayleigh said excitedly as tyler laughed before nodding—"i gotchu mama." tyler said as rayleigh almost immediately started smiling.

oh did rayleigh love hearing tyler call her that mama word, it got her everything. and he knew that.

"alright, i just wanted to hear your voice, call me after the dinner alright?" rayleigh said as tyler nodded eagerly—"talk to you later mama." tyler said as rayleigh said her goodbyes before they hung up.

tyler just continued getting dressed before eventually leaving the house.


tyler walked into the restaurant as he saw his sister waving to him excitedly—he then made his to her. kenzie looked at vanessa before she started smirking wildly.

"somebody's already sitting here, you came too late." kenzie said as tyler rolled his eyes before looking for any available seats. but there weren't any left besides a seat next to vanessa.

"tyler! there's a seat right here." vanessa said smiling as tyler nodded awkwardly before going to vanessa and sitting besides her.

vanessa already had the chair pulled out for him—so he muttered a small thank you before looking at kenzie who was across from him.

"oh i just remembered." kenzie said as she glanced at vanessa who was trying not to smile—"everybody took a picture with the birthday girl already, tyler it's your turn since you came late." kenzie said as tyler glared at kenzie from across the table.

"i don't take pictures." tyler said as kenzie rolled her eyes—"well just this once, cmon i'll take it." kenzie said as tyler shook his head.

"no kenzie." tyler said as she started whining causing him to roll his eyes before standing up and going over to the banter where it said birthday girl.

vanessa got up excitedly as her and tyler stood next to eachother—"put your arm around her!" kenzie said as she got in position to take the picture.

"kenzie-it's her birthday! stop being difficult." kenzie said as he internally groaned before he slowly put his arm around vanessa's shoulder.

"unt unt, her waist." kenzie said as vanessa started turning red from the extreme blushing she was doing due to tyler's touch.

"no, now take the picture." tyler said fed up at this point as kenzie rolled her eyes before quickly taking the flick—she then got done as vanessa smiled.

"thank y-." vanessa was saying, but was cut off by tyler walking past her and going to sit back down—he was ready to go back home so he could get back on the phone with rayleigh.

the three of them sat back at the table with everybody else before the food was brought out—thankfully kenzie ordered for tyler, so they all started eating.

a few minutes had passed and tyler was eating his food, but he felt vanessa's gaze on him the whole time—he lifted his head up before turning it in her direction.

"is the food good?" vanessa asked tyler as he nodded slowly before continuing to eat—"i like your outfit, you look good in all black." vanessa said as tyler took a deep breath before he sat his fork down.

"thanks." he mumbled before grabbing his phone—"this is a no phones dinner tyler." kenzie said from across the table before giving a thumbs up to vanessa.

"kenzie leave me alone, for real." tyler said rolling his eyes as kenzie gave him a small glare—"so how's-i'm tired, i'm going back home." tyler said as he pulled out 3 $100 bills from his pocket before handing it to kenzie.

"pay for the food, night." tyler said as he quickly exited the restaurant—kenzie and vanessa was just looking at eachother with their mouths patted slightly.

kenzie slowly shrugged her shoulders while shaking her head as vanessa groaned loudly.

tyler got into the car before quickly pulling off—he then quickly made his way to the mart that still was open.

he did promise rayleigh to get her some cake—so he would buy her a small cake. she deserved it anyway

tyler quickly bought as he called rayleigh while driving to her apartment—"helloo." rayleigh said as tyler spoke, "wanna spend the night?" he said as he heard quick movements coming from behind the phone.

"i already got a bag packed!" rayleigh said holding up the small bag as tyler laughed loudly—"ima be outside in ten mama." tyler said as rayleigh smiled before nodding.

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