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RAYLEIGH scrolled through amazon on her phone as she looked throughout the different baby cribs—"tyler i don't know, look at this one." rayleigh said lifting her phone up to tyler who was above her as she showed him the tenth crib she found.

ever since tyler and rayleigh found out they were having a baby, they had been planning the room, the crib, the names, you name it. but they still had their worries.

tyler shook his head at the crib rayleigh suggested before letting out a small laugh—"i feel like we should order the crib when we find out the gender." tyler said as rayleigh shook her head agreeing with his statement.

"what do you think it'll be?" rayleigh asked turning her head to the boy as she smiled at him—rayleigh felt like her and tyler's relationship got closer every since the visit to the doctor.

"a boy." tyler said as rayleigh looked at him a bit shocked—they never actually had a conversation about kids before, so she didn't know he had wanted a boy.

"really? i think we got a little girl." rayleigh said rubbing her small belly as tyler looked at her stomach before rubbing it himself—"maybe, i wouldn't mind a girl." tyler said shrugging as rayleigh nodded.

"this is so crazy though tyler, i can't believe we're gonna be parents.." rayleigh said quietly as she started taking everything in—the both of them were into 18, and they already had a baby on the way.

"i know, but i gotchu, we got eachother mama." tyler said reassuringly as rayleigh smiled at him—she couldn't be more greatful tyler would be the father of her child.

she had never excepted to be a mother at such a young by age, she didn't even date—but tyler came in her life and changed everything. she had zero regrets about it though.

"okay how about baby names, if it's a girl what should we name her?" rayleigh asked as she turned around laying her head on tyler's chest as he rubbed her back up and down.

"raya." tyler said as rayleigh looked at him with a big smile—"wait why is that so cute." rayleigh said as tyler laughed. "but for a boy?" rayleigh asked him as he thought for a moment.

"tyson." tyler said as rayleigh looked at excitedly—"you're a good ass name picked, that's adorable." rayleigh said thinking about a mini tyler running around.

"i don't even have to think of any, if it's a boy we name him tyson, if it's a girl we name her raya." rayleigh said smiling as tyler nodded.

"i'm about to go live." tyler said grabbing his phone as rayleigh looked at him before tilting her head—"you want them to see me?" rayleigh asked already knowing about his rap career and everything.

"yeah." tyler said before he clicked the small live icon, and people started joining fairly quick—"sup ya." tyler said waving to his fans as they saw rayleigh laying on top of him.

"this my wife." tyler said showing rayleigh as she smiled before waving—"hey everybody." rayleigh said awkwardly as tyler laughed.

"yall better be nice, ion play about her." tyler said before he threw up small gang signs in the camera—rayleigh just laughed at her boyfriend before looking at the live.

"they saying you pretty." tyler said to rayleigh as she started smiling widely—"thank yall, mwah." rayleigh said blowing a kiss into the phone as the live started spamming the comments.

"i just wanted ya to see my wife, im finan get of this bitch." tyler said waving to his live before looking at rayleigh—"wave to the fans." tyler said handing the phone to rayleigh as she grabbed it before waving.

"bye guys, have a goodnight." rayleigh said as tyler looked at her—rayleigh was adorable in his eyes. and he loved her a lot

tyler let out a small laugh before rayleigh handed him his phone back—he then ended the live before siting his phone down on the side of him.

tyler sighed lowly before he closed his eyes—rayleigh looked at him as she saw him breathing slowly.

"you tired bubba?" rayleigh asked as tyler nodded before pulling the cover on him and rayleigh—she then sighed into tyler's hold before she closed her eyes aswell.

"we can continue this tomorrow, it is pretty late." rayleigh said laughing a bit as tyler nodded with a small smile.

"goodnight mama." tyler said kissing the top of rayleigh's forehead as she smiled at him—"goodnight tyler."

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