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RAYLEIGH laid down in tyler's bed as he rubbed her back up and down gently—she was throwing up everything she ate earlier, and tyler was currently taking care of her at the moment.

but he had to go to the club where rayleigh got fired from previously—he had gave money to the owner many times just for him to fire his girlfriend. and tyler wasn't fucking with that.

"mama ima be right back ight? ima get you some food before i come back, can you eat?" tyler asked the quiet rayleigh as she shook her head no before she quickly sat up from the bed and booked it to the bathroom.

tyler sighed seeing rayleigh in this state—but he couldn't do anything but be there for her. tyler sat up from the bed as he quickly went into the bathroom to hold rayleigh's hair.

tyler crouched down watching rayleigh throw up for the fifth time in the span of 2 hours—"i'm good." rayleigh said as tyler held onto her hair while rubbing her back.

rayleigh quickly finished up before she stood infront of the sink—rayleigh rinsed her mouth of before she let out a small sigh.

"i can't leave you alone." tyler said as he wrapped his arms around rayleigh trying to comfort her as she laughed—"go tyler, go handle your business i'll be fine." rayleigh said holding onto his face as he looked at her.

"you sure? ima get ya pregnancy pillows, the vitamins, the-tyler gooo, i'm okay." rayleigh said laughing cutting the boy off as he sighed lowly.

"you positive?" tyler said as rayleigh nodded quickly—"i love you tyler." rayleigh said as tyler looked at her immediately smiling widely.

"i love you more, ima be right back ight? make ya self comfortable." tyler said as rayleigh nodded quickly. tyler then nodded before he unwrapped his hands around rayleigh and quickly left the house.

soon as tyler made it into the car he called carter and leon as they almost immediately answered the phone—"yoo." carter said as tyler started the car.

"meet me at the nightclub in 10, bring ya guns." tyler said as carter and leon nodded—"ian get active in a while, i'm geeked." leon said pointing his .9 into the camera as tyler and leon laughed at their friend.

"shut up fool, be ready cuz im on my way." tyler said as leon rolled his eyes before nodding—"see yall ina few." tyler said before eventualky hanging up.


tyler, leon, and carter walked inside the nightclub with their ski masks on as they stuck their guns into their pockets. tyler looked at the two as they entered before he nodded.

a couple seconds later leon raised his gun in the air as he shot three times. everybody in the club started screaming before scrambling trying to get to safety—the three boys then rushed over to the owners office before kicking the door open.

"you fired my girlfriend?" tyler asked pointing his gun at the owner as he looked at him with fear before raising his hands in the air—"i'm sorry! i'm sorry!" the owner screamed loudly before laying down on the floor.

"take whatever you want! just don't hurt me." the owner said as he started crying—leon and carter laughed loudly as tyler rolled his eyes.

"beg on ya knees, i should shoot ya ass." tyler said annoyed before he walked over to the owner and crouched down—he then pulled him down onto the floor before stepping on him.

"take a flick." tyler said taking his ski mask off before posing and showing his grills—the owner was laid flat onto the floor as tyler stood above him with his foot was on his back.

(in sorry for this y'all, but i needed sum drama)

"please let me go!" the owner yelled as tyler kicked him hard blowing the wind out of his back—"shut up nigga." tyler said before he did the same pose again and leon snapped the flick.

"ight bitch ass nigga, you learned ya lesson?" leon asked going infront of him as the owner nodded quickly—"i'm sorry!" he cried outloud as tyler and the two boys laughed at him.

"ian know he was that pussy." carter said as tyler shook his head—"i'm getting this place shut down too, pack ya shit up by tonight." tyler spat out as the owner cried out.

"no! this is my life." the owner said as he attempted to get up—but leon kicked him making him lay still onto the floor. "shoulda thought about that before you kicked my girlfriend out on the curb while she was pregnant." tyler said rolling his eyes before he threw everything off the desk as it scattered all over the floor.

the owner just watched the three boys destroy his office while not being able to do anything—"cmon yall." tyler said as him and the boys put their ski masks back on before quickly leaving the club.

soon as tyler and the two boys got into the car—tyler quickly pulled off hearing sirens near them—"shit." leon said looking out the window.

"they turned the corner, we cool." carter said relaxing in the backseat as tyler laughed—"that was fun, it was just like old times." leon said putting his hands under his head as tyler and carter nodded agreeing.

"i stopped since i met rayleigh." tyler said as the two boys laughed—"it's cool, we still have our fun time to time." carter said shrugging as him and leon dabbed eachother up.

"yeah yea, now hurry and get out my car so i can go get food for my girlfriend." tyler said oulkigg by up to leon's crib as he rolled his eyes.

"punk nigga." leon said before tyler hit him chasing him to flinch and book it out the car—tyler and carter both laughed at leon's reaction before tyler pulled off to drop carter off.


tyler walked inside his house as he came upstairs quietly—he slowly opened his bedroom door seeing rayleigh laid up with her pregnancy pillow and pickles on the side of her.

tyler let out a small laugh before sitting the food and chocolate on the side of the bed—"mama wake up." tyler said as rayleigh groaned before opening her eyes.

"you slept good?" tyler asked as rayleigh smiled before nodding—she then turned her body slowly to tyler before eyeing the phone.

"you woke now?" tyler asked rayleigh noticing she was looking at the food instead of him—rayleigh nodded quickly before tyler handed her the food.

he then laughed at rayleigh as she quickly started eating—"i got you chocolate too, after this let's take a warm bath and go to sleep." tyler said as rayleigh nodded while she continued eating her fries.

"i love you." rayleigh said swallowing her food as tyler smiled at her—"i love you more, now eat up." tyler said as rayleigh laughed at him. she really didn't know how she got lucky with tyler.

he was the best boyfriend ever, and she wouldn't change him for he world even if they offered her all the money in the world.

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