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RAYLEIGH walked over to the dryer as she carried a big basket of baby clothes. the baby would be there in a month, and they just finished setting up the baby's room. she had clothes, diapers, wipes, bibs, her crib, toys, basically everything was ready.

but rayleigh just got some more baby clothes that just arrived, so she was gonna wash them so they would be ready for when she came.

rayleigh sat the basket down as she let out a huge breath. she didn't have as much energy as she did when she was early in her pregnancy, her stomach was big and blocked her way of most things.

rayleigh crouched down to take the baby clothes from the dryer before a sharp pain shot up from her abdomin. rayleigh let out a loud cry as she fell onto the floor.

she was home by herself aswell, tyler was out running errands, and the maids had the day off. and worst of it all, rayleigh's phone was upstairs.

rayleigh cried out as another paid shot up. she didn't know what to do, she wasn't prepared for the pains that came with theprgwncy.

"oh my gosh." rayleigh said loudly before she felt liquid seeping through her pants. "no no no no." rayleigh said shaking her head as she cried again due to another sharp pain in her right abdomin.

rayleigh couldn't sit there and wait for somebody to save her, she needed to go get her phone so she could inform tyler she was in labor.

she slowly exited the laundry room as she walked across the living room to get to the stairs, rayleigh was about to take a step, but she tripped onto the stairs from the liquid due to her water breaking.

rayleigh cried out of pain from the fall as she sat on the stairs.

her ankle wasn't fully healed either, she just got her cast off. now she probably would need it back on. rayleigh looked down seeing her pants soaked, and the liquid was now all over the stairs.

rayleigh attempted to take a few deep breaths so she didnt know how to go about this situation at all. tyler still wasn't home, her phone was upstairs, and she just tripped. she also fell earlier.

rayleigh couldn't do anything but sit there, she couldn't move from her spot. rayleigh couldn't even see the floor from how big her stomach was.

she just sat there with her hands on her face as she cried at the contractions. but thankfully she heard a car pull up in the driveway.

rayleigh quickly lifted her head up as keys started jangling in the door. and finally, just finally there was tyler with a few bags on his arm.

as soon as tyler saw rayleigh he dropped the bags and ran over to her, rayleigh was so happy tyler finally came. she would've ended up having the baby right on the stairs.

"shit mama, you okay? what happened? did you fall?" tyler asked all at once as rayleigh was breathing in and out. her contractions was getting worse, and the baby wanted out.

"i think my ankle got messed up again, and my water broke tyler." rayleigh said looking up at tyler as he nodded his head before helping her up.

soon as rayleigh stood on her feet, she yelped from the throbbing sensation from her ankle. she definitely would have to get it checked out again.

"just sit here for a few more minutes ray okay? i gotta get the bags." tyler said as rayleigh nodded quickly. and as soon as he noticed rayleigh was okay for now, tyler quickly ran upstairs to go get the hospital bags and load them into the car.

rayleigh just sat there watching tyler go back and forth as the contractions kept coming. she never wanted to experience this pain again.

but thankfully tyler eventually hurried with the bags, and now they were on the way to the hospital.

tyler was finally there, and rayleigh kept screaming loudly, the baby was coming quickly and nothing could stop her.

"tyler she's coming!" rayleigh yelled as tyler finally pulled up to the hospital. tyler quickly got out the car before going to get a few doctors. they hurriedly came outside and got rayleigh.


rayleigh laid down on the hospital bed looking at tyler as he held onto their babygirl. "you still tired mama?" tyler asked rayleigh seeing she was staring at them.

rayleigh nodded slowly as she smiled a bit. she couldn't believe how much time has passed and that raya was actually here.

"i'm so glad she's here now, i can finally move around without getting tired." rayleigh said as tyler laughed a bit.

"you wanna hold her?" tyler asked rayleigh as she nodded quickly. he then got up and walked over to rayleigh slowly while holding onto raya's head.

"she stole your whole face, i'm highly upset." rayleigh said playfully as tyler laughed. he then gently laid raya down onto rayleigh chest as she almost immediately snuggled up onto rayleigh.

"i love her already, she's so perfect." rayleigh said smiling as tyler nodded. "this crazy ray." tyler said as rayleigh shook her head agreeing.

"but hey, all that's left is to be the best parent to her that i never had." rayleigh said as tyler held onto her hand.

"we got this, we good." tyler said reassuringly as rayleigh nodded. they were forever.

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