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"is that all?" tyler asked rayleigh as he carried the last box in her apartment—rayleigh looked around while holding the bottom of her stomach. 

she was getting a bit bigger, she was around 2 months already. time was flying by, and it was reminding her that this was real life and she was really about to have a baby.

"i think so, i didn't have much to pack." rayleigh said as she let out a small laugh—"okay cmon, let's go home, ima have my maids cook us something." tyler said as rayleigh nodded tiredly.

they had been moving since 10am, and it was almost 6pm, both of them needed food into their system—especially rayleigh since she was eating for two.

"i'm so tired tyler." rayleigh said yawning as he nodded while they walked to the car—"i know we can sleep when we get home." tyler told her as she nodded listening.

the two then got into the car as tyler put the last box into the trunk—he then got into the car before looking at rayleigh who was laid back with her eyes closed.

tyler then looked forward before eventually pulling off heading home.


tyler and rayleigh finally got to the house—rayleigh had to use the bathroom, so while she did that tyler loaded the boxes into the house.

eventually he got finished as rayleigh came back down—she really didn't have that much stuff since she decided to sell most of it weeks prior because she didn't need it.

"can we eat now?" rayleigh asked laughing as tyler nodded quickly while smiling—he interlinked their hands as they went to the kitchen.

"we already had food prepared, so hopefully you like it." the maid told tyler and rayleigh as they nodded. the two mumbled a thank you before grabbing plates and starting to eat.

tyler ate his food as his phone started vibrating in his pocket—he looked down before he went inside his pocket and pulled his phone out.

he noticed it was his sister calling him as he quickly answered—"what?" tyler asked kenzie as she started screaming from the other side of the phone.

"YOU GOT SOMEBODY PREGANT?" kenzie yelled causing tyler to pull the phone away from his ear before rolling his eyes—he then put the phone back onto his ear as he noticed rayleigh laughing besides him.

"kenzie chill out." tyler said annoyed as he sighed—"unt unt, what kind of brother are you? i'm coming over in a five minutes." kenzie said as tyler was about to speak, but she quickly hung up causing rayleigh to burst out laughing.

"your sister is funny." rayleigh said eating her food as tyler shook his head sighing—"she annoying." tyler said as he continued eating his food.

around ten minutes later there was a knock at the door as the maids opened it—"it's your sister tyler." a maid said as he groaned loudly.

his and rayleigh eventually went over to the couch—he had his arm wrapped around her, and rayleigh's head was laid on his chest.

the couple turned their heads seeing kenzie walk in upset—"tyler what the hell." kenzie said coming over infront of him as she quickly looked at raleigh.

"hey, you're pretty." kenzie said as rayleigh looked at her shockingly—"thank you, so are you." rayleigh said as kenzie smiled at her before mumbling a thank you.

"fake ass." kenzie said as tyler rolled his eyes—"kenzie what do you want." tyler asked annoyed as she sat down besides him.

"i'm your sister and you didn't even tell me you got somebody pregnant?" kenzie said as tyler sighed lowly.

"surprise..?" tyler said with his hands out as rayleigh held back her laugh—kenzie rolled her eyes before standing up and sitting besides rayleigh instead.

"so what's your name?" kenzie asked rayleigh as she looked at her waiting—"rayleigh davis." she said as kenzie nodded approvingly.

"how many months are you?" kenzie asked rayleigh—"2 months." rayleigh said as kenzies mouth dropped while looking at tyler in disbelief.

"oh 2 months now!" kenzie said throwing shade at tyler as he rolled his eyes—"i was gonna talk you eventually." tyler said as kenzie laughed.

"when? when they got here?" kenzie said as rayleigh laughed at her—"i could be having a future niece or nephew and you didn't even tell me, my feelings are hurt." kenzie said crossing her arms before standing up.

"sorry kenzie." tyler said looking at his sister as she waved him off—"i gotta leave now unfortunately, but rayleigh we should catch up sometime." kenzie suggested as rayleigh nodded.

"i'd like that." rayleigh said with a smile as kenzie smiled back before heading towards the door—"this isn't over tyler." kenzie said as rayleigh laughed.

she then exited the house before going over to her car—kenzie got in before looking over to the passenger seat.

"so we have a big problem." kenzie told vanessa as she looked at her concerned—"what happened? is it bad?" vanessa asked as kenzie avoided her gaze.

"it's outrageous.." kenzie said as vanessa looked at her waiting for her to talk—"well what is it!" vanessa said as kenzie shook her head.

"he got somebody pregnant..and she's currently in the house with him." kenzie said as she watched vanessa's face drop.

"you're joking.." vanessa said as kenzie shook her head quickly—"i'm not! i'm shocked aswell he never told me, i just found out today." kenzie said as vanessa started whining loudly.

"that should've been me!" vanessa said to kenzie as she nodded slowly—"you gotta let him go now v." kenzie said as vanessa quickly whipped her head or kenzie.

"no! i don't care about whatever bitch is in there, we will get together kenzie." vanessa said as kenzie looked at her like she was crazy.

"uhm.." kenzie said quietly as vanessa quickly looked at her—"i'm just joking kenzie, i'm fine." vanessa said quietly as kenzie nodded before she eventually pulled off.

vanessa looked outside her window as she watched the leaves blow past her, she wasn't about to let this go lightly.

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