chapter 2

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For matbe the first time , trix was nervously twitching his fingers.
'Shinigaki trials' meant 'death trials' in some human languageso , obviously the name was given by gadget aka Ethan Benedict Wright ,the human who was recruited by lady gisela.despite being a human he was better than an average technopath with gadgets , hence his code name.

So, in the neverseen , there were many circles.
The rule circle, the mission circle,the lower circle and the newbie circle , with the rule circle being at the very top.

Whenever,  a member of any circle failed a mission, they could be challenged by a ,member of a lower circle to get their spot.
This challenge was simply a fight to death.

Genthen was in the rule circle and brant , trix and alvar were in the mission circle.

So all of them formed one team.
They were challenged by a hydrokinetic named aqua
A technopath named resa
A guster named serra
And a phaser hephaeus

The fight was in some deserted human city.
Genthen went for a frontal assault with trix.alvar would just go around sneaking and killing. Brant would be the backup because, if neccesary he could take down the entire opposite team.

Serra attacjed with the western winds, however they felt different to trix. Broken somehow. He could feel the pain of the winds. He called for some southern winds to bind the western winds. Finally all the winds consider him as their master and attacked serra. It was overwhelming she was lifted way too high in the sky and then dropped to sure death.

Trix did the same thing to resa,however her fall was cushioned by a force field.
Ruy knew that interrupting the trial could get him killed , but he just couldn't let resa die in front of him.

However Gisela considered this as giving up and so decided to kill all the challengers.
However Hephaeus said he was too important to be killed,but trix said "nothing is important about you,you haven't even done a mission yet."
Nut then Hephaeus removed his mask and the neverseen saw just how impactful he could turn out to be.
He was a councillor
Councillor darek.

So after that piece of information things mellowed down a little bit.and it was agreed that nobody was going to be executed.

We will now see this situation from glimmer perspective.

Glimmer was kinda happy gnough she hated herself for it.
She was confident that brant ,trix, genthen and alvar would manage to kill resa, glimmer might or might not be jealous of the fact that resa and ruy were dating.
She kind of liked ruy however she was very aware of the triangle between her ruy and resa.
They used to be together but then came resa. After a small scufle between glimmer and ruy ,ruy pretty much got charmed by resa and glimmer was pretty sure ruy now had a massive crush. She also wanted to believethat ruy might still have some feelings for her .
When ruy created a shield and saved resa she might have felt a bit if jealousy. And when hephaeus was doing his face reveal  she saw resa giving a peck on ruy's cheeck and ruy repeating the gesture.this made her want to go throttke both of them.But she held back she decided thst moment itself that it was time to destroy her feelings .

I realised thx chapters si far are pretty small but I will make up for it. Also we will eventually be back at the Councillor darek face reveal.


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