chapter 4

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It was the second time the moonlark and the blackswan had thwarted them.
It was time to regroup and practice.
Today ruy had skill lessons with alvar.
Alvar wished "good morning ruy."ruy returned the greeting.
Alvar said "we will be focusing on telekinesis today. You will try to take a splotcher fromme using telekinesis"ruy thought that it couldn't be too hard. Then , alvar removed a green splotcher .every time ruy tried, alvar would just zip it out of reach. Alvar explained that it was about full body momentum. Soon with this trick he became adept at telekinesis. After that alvar decided to hace a talk about
ruy 's complicated love life . He asked ruy "made sense of your triangle ?"ruy was getting tired of these questions of his personal life . Alvar seemed to have read his mind and spoke "I don't want to interfere, it is just because you are my friend." However ruy didn't find this very calming  and stormed of saying "MY LIFE IS MY BUSINESS".
Soon enough glimmer entered alvar's room, alvar said "well, i tried.But he most definitely wasn't feeling very mellow". Glimmer couldn't say anything but nodded and fled the room.

Umber was now practicing her ablility with glimmer.
Umber took gathered her shadowflux and shaped it into a goblin star amd shot it. Glimmer summoned golden and white light and layered them. The goblin star pierced everything but the last layer of golden light which glimmer immediately unrolled to reveal a lasso of light.she used this lasso and ensnared umber in it before she even got any time to react. Umber stopped "okay . Okay I give up."they bot now sat down and had a chat for quite some time .
Towards the very end of their class Umber , the most emotionless person ever , slightly mentally unstable person, gave glimmer emotional advice " If you have feelings , convey them before it gets too late." And then left .
They had a break spanning an hour now. Glimmer gathered the courage and decided to go and confess to ruy .
However there seemed to be an argument in ruy's room. She carefully listened .
"Ruy, you aren'tready yet!"
"No,she isn't yet completely off my mind"
"Stop thinking about her ruy.tell me , who do you like            
   more , me or glimmer?"
"Obviously, you"
At this point glimmer had realized that the conversation was between ruy and resa. Glimmer decided to show herself at that time. Both ruy and resa froze . Glimmer's expression showed that she had heard the entire conversation. Ruy said" It was just that __"
"I don't care,ruy .This is the last time I will talk to you .                               I HATE YOU!"
Saying this, glimmer stormed off .
They all had a briefing coming up . Resa wasn't excited for it, because that meant she would have to have a talk with glimmer.
Gisela began her speech "our plans have beeen thwarted twice. We need to do something unexpected. We naaed to achieve our victory right under the noses of th e blackswan and the council." Darek/haephus snorted at the last word because he knew that though the other councillors were dillusional , they weren't fools. However Gisela continued "so one of our best will get caught on purpose and wait for the right time"

Hello, hope you guys are enjoying it ,by the way the next chapter will be about councillor Darek .

See you people in the next chapter!

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