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**danielle is at her chemistry class writing her notes as girls kept looking at her wanting to befriend her because of her beauty**

Random girls: she so beautiful!
Random girls: shes so cute!!

**3 girls minji hanni and hyein approach her**

Hyein: w-would you like to be in our friendgroup?!
Danielle: Of course!
Minji: Yayy!!!
Hanni: we're gonna go to the cafe next to Sarap street at 4:00 pm do you wanna come?
Danielle: sure! i would love to!
Hanni: alright then! its settled!
Danielle: I'll be there at 3:57!

**timeskip to 3:30**

                                Danielles POV:

**danielle takes a shower and the water running down her toned abs and hourglass body**

**time skip to 3:37**
**danielle was done showering and put her clothes on and drove to the cafe**

Heyy you guys!!
Hanni: Hii!! you arrived!
Minji: Hyein isnt here yet since she has a test
Awhh poor hyein must be struggling on her test
**they order drinks**
Mm! these are so good!
Hanni: I know right!
Minji: i dont know what we would do if you didnt find this hanni!
**They all went back to they're dorms exhausted by them eating SOOOOOOO much food**

im so fucking tired....
**danielle jumps on her bed and sleeps immediately**

**timeskip to the next morning**

Haerins POV:

**Haerin arivves to class with her bestfriend Huh Yunjin**

Hey yunjin! whats up!
Yunjin: Not much, i just took my test and im scared if i passed or not...
Its alright! you probably passed.
Yunjin: Thanks! anyway are we up for the part tonight?
Of course! in inviting everyone!...except for that danielle bitch..
Yunjin: why? whats wrong with her?
She just gets on my nerves sometimes..
Yunjin: Oh...then its alright if you dont invite her it'll still be fun right?
Well, we'll see

**night at the party yunjin accidentally invites danielle and she arrives at the house**

**minji and hanni was excited to see but hyein refused to join the party since she was only 15**

Chat POV

                                     Chat POV

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Love Me Or Not ( A Daerin Story )Where stories live. Discover now