Decisions, Decisions....

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After a while....Danielle finally realized that she had fallen for haerin....WAIT WHAT! WHAT THE BATSHIT!? I FELL FOR....HAERIN!? WHAT THE FUC- ok wait i need to calm down.....she did destroy my 🐱sy last night and....WAIT WAIT WHY ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT SEX DANI! DANIELLE MARSH YOU DONT NEED TO THINK ABOUT THIS BEHAVIOR! but..... i kind of liked it.....well. theres no turning back, she already fucked me already so.

^dani looks at the wet bed^

Oh damn. its wet as hell.

^she sighs and gets up to shower^


ok dani....your sitting behind haerin again in history class.....just. try not to make eye contact......OH SHIT! OH SHIT SHE LOOKED AT YOU DANIELLE!

Haerin: hey danielle :)


Danielle: e-ehm h-hi!

Haerin: you look so nervous!



ok erm....stay calm

Danielle: n-nervous? not though...

Leaning towards Danielle, Haerin smirks playfully

Really now? Because I could have sworn I saw you blushing earlier.

Her gaze lingers on Danielle's face before shifting back to the front of the classroom

But don't worry,

she whispers softly

I won't tell anyone that i fucked you.

As class begins, Haerin turns her attention fully to the teacher, but every so often, she steals glances at Danielle with a knowing smile.

OK....your good danielle....she wont tell anyone...thats nice, thats fine, THATS PERFECT

Haerin raises an eyebrow at Danielle's reaction, amusement dancing in her eyes

let's keep things interesting. Maybe next time, you can return the favor.

She leans back in her chair, crossing her arms casually

And remember, what happens between us stays between us.

^2 hours later, haerin did it again.^

With a mischievous grin, Haerin pulls Danielle into an empty classroom during lunch break

Looks like someone needs another lesson.

She pushes Danielle against the wall, her hands roaming freely over her body

Don't worry, I promise it won't hurt... much.

Oh shit danielle....what the fuck is about to happen....

Danielle: alright...

Haerin chuckles softly, her lips brushing against Danielle's ear as she speaks

Alright? That's all you have to say? Where's the feisty girl who stood up to me in the hallway?

She bites down gently on Danielle's earlobe, eliciting a gasp

Or maybe I brought out a different side of you.

^danielle squirms in haerin's touch^

Feeling Danielle squirm beneath her touch, Haerin grins devilishly

So you do have a wild side after all.

She slides one hand up Danielle's thigh, teasing the edge of her skirt

Love Me Or Not ( A Daerin Story )Where stories live. Discover now