Will You Love Me?

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After that kiss danielle literally did not know what to do, until hyein came

Hyein: were you two about to lose your virginity?

Hyein Laughs While danielle and haerin give a nervous smile

Haerin: ehm...

Hyein: you can continue, im going home anyway.....bye lovebirds!

Hyein said while leaving her dorm, it was just haerin and danielle left.

Haerin: so what are we gonna d-

Danielle held her waist and pulled her closer to kiss her, the kiss had became very deep.....until haerin bit danielles neck.....danielle literally almost screamed in pleasure.....haerin laid wet kisses on her neck while she unbuttons dani's shirt

Danielle: s-shit...m-maybe its too early haerin...mgh~...

Haerin: its not too early...

Danielle: j-just..j-just one fucking night!

Haerin chuckles then...it was just dani without her shirt and bra

Haerin started unbuttoning her pants

Danielle: mmh...

Haerin: your already wet for me huh?

Danielle: maybe i a- Ngh!~

Before danielle could in finish her sentence, haerin wriggled a finger inside her making danielle gasp of pleasure...haerin's finger wriggled until she could let out her liquids..

Haerin: your pussy is so fucking wet for me already...

Danielle couldnt answer and just kept on moaning of pleasure, haerin's thrust on danielle made wet noises it made Danielle's core more wet, Haerin removed her finger then she went lower...lower and lower until her head reaches her thighs....

Danielle: i-i...n-nhh...mh...

Haerin: too pleasured for words huh?

Danielle was squirming once Haerin tasted her core....it was like happiness to Haerins ears when danielle moaned

Haerin started unbuttoning her pants revealing her big cock, danielle just closed her eyes and was ready on what was gonna happen

Haerin: you might be sore after this...

Haerin splashed her giant cock into danielles wet core, haerin's thrust was harder and deeper making danielle's ass bounce more and more making clapping noises

And before you know it....Danielle released a handful of cum...


After that danielle woke up very sore on the physical activities they did...all she remembered before she passed out was... "H-Haerin...mgh! w-will you love me forever!?" but she didnt really seem to catch her answer...


Love Me Or Not ( A Daerin Story )Where stories live. Discover now