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*the next day, they woke up, and could see Haerin and Danielle sleeping together*

*Haerin and Danielle are cuddled on the bed, both of them were still sleeping. Haerin was gently holding Danielle close to her chest, as if she wouldn't want her to leave even in their sleep*

" mmh... your so warm " danielle said making haerin blush

*Danielle pressed back against Haerin, bringing their bodies even closer together.* "Mmhh..." She said dreamily, wrapping her arms around Haerin. "You're so soft..."

" w-what..? d-danielle we have u-uh class you need to shower now! "

"Huh?" Danielle rubbed her eyes, trying to wake up and focus. She took a look at her watch, and her face went red when she realized that what Haerin said was true, they had class in a few minutes. "S-sorry," she said sheepishly. "I don't know why I am so tired today..."

" were drunk last night.... "

"Right..." Danielle said, embarrassed. "I kinda forgot about it..." She chuckled nervously. "I'm not used to I kinda overdid it last night..."

" well you should actually skip class today and rest "
romance music plays in danielles airpods Catriona By Matthaios ( play it if u want on spotify! )
" i love the way she makes me smile she makes me smirk..." she sings

"Maybe that's not a bad idea..." Danielle said, snuggling closer to Haerin. The soft music coming from her airplugs only added to the atmosphere, and she couldn't help but feel warm as she held Haerin close to her.

"Maybe I will just stay here today..."

someone knocks at the door and haerin opens it and it was.....wonyoung!? why is she here!?

Haerin's eyes went wide when she saw Wonyoung at the door. "W-wonyoung?" She blinked, trying to process what she was seeing. "What are you doing here?"

" is danielle here? " wonyoung asked worried " i heard she got drunk last night....since im on my class break you can go to your class and ill take of her "
" i-its ok ill do it..! " haerins jealousy started to rise
" no its ok! " wonyoung said
" f-fine...take care of her... " haerin said worried and went to her class

"W-wait, no..." Haerin tried to stop Wonyoung, but it was too late, and Wonyoung already went inside the dorm.

She could just sense the jealousy seeping through her body. Why did Wonyoung have to be the one to take care of Danielle? She was only just starting to get close to her...why can't it be her? Haerin could hear music coming from the dorm, and her mind started to race with thoughts and worries about what the two of them are doing in there.

Wonyoung and Danielles laugh and chuckles can be heard from her classroom and she gets VERY VERY jelosi (🥹)

Haerin's hands balled up into fists, her blood pressure began to rise. Why were they laughing? What were they doing in there? Were they flirting with each other?

Her jealousy was starting to take over, and she wanted nothing more than to burst in there and make sure that they weren't doing anything inappropriate.

Danielle did fake moaning to tease wonyoung and laughed loudly that haerin heard them from the bathroom

Haerin's heart nearly stopped when she heard that moan. Was Danielle really doing that to tease Wonyoung? Was she really trying to flirt with her?

She grit her teeth, fighting off the urge to burst in there and confront them. She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down and not let her jealousy get the better of her. She couldn't believe how much her heart was beating rn, it felt like it was going to climb up her throat.

Love Me Or Not ( A Daerin Story )Where stories live. Discover now