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Haerin: "h-hanni...i have to ask you do you think w-wonyoung will react to me liking danielle?"

Hanni: "She'll go crazy of course!! She wont be able to control herself with dani!

Haerin: "I-I get where you're coming from but what do you mean she can't control herself with her? What do you mean by that specifically?"

Hanni: "You don't think for a second that she's not crazy about Dani?? She gets so jealous around her!! She gets so clingy and possessive and so protective of her!! Have you seen those looks she gives her everytime she's around her?? The way she talks to her?? Have you even heard her calling her her 'mine'?? She calls her 'mine'!!"

Haerin: "She does? She really does? Is it really that obvious? I...I don't know how I never noticed. Why didn't I think about the way she looks at her the way she talks to her and she does call her her 'mine' but...I thought she was just possessive...but is She really that crazy about her?"

Hanni: "She's crazy about her girl! She's not just possessive she's obsessive...I've never seen her look at you the same way she looks at her! Or talk to you the way she talks to her!! She's literally head over heels for her!! She loves her and is crazy about her and I honestly don't see how you haven't noticed sooner!!"

Haerin: "W...wait a minute you''re right...she's never treated me like she treats her...god...

Hanni: "Nope she didn't...but she always called her "mine" didn't she? Come to think of it, she always gets mad when other girls around her don't she? Like when Danielle said her tongue got burnt she went mad but she never did that for you right?"

Haerin: "No...that's true...she never did...she never got angry when a girl talked to me..."

Hanni: "Exactly!! She only gets angry when a girl talks to Danielle...and she doesn't do that when someone talks to you does she? She doesn't seem to care what you do...only when it comes to Danielle does she get jealous, territorial and possessive..."

Haerin: "Huh...oh god she's way more head over heels than I thought...She's absolutely obsessed...oh god...why didn't I notice this sooner?"

Hanni: "I don't know...but I thought you should're not her first're not her most important person...that place has just been taken by're not her 'everything''re just her're just there...she doesn't really rely on you like she relies on Wonyoung. She doesn't take you seriously anymore. She probably never even took you seriously...she only kept you around because you're her secondary. Her backup."

Hanni: "You're just there to fill in the blanks to her, you know? Just in case if Danielle isn't in her life anymore she has you to fall back on. That's what she sees you for. She never really loved you..she never treated you like the way she treats Danielle. When she talked to you did she ever have your back? No...she never cared that much about you."

Hanni kept saying that to make haerin think that danielle hates her...but what she doesnt know...everything that hanni is saying is a LIE

Haerin: " she never loved me at all? She just took me in like a back up in her life? Like...just in case if things get too crazy with Dani?...why don't I see her as a person who I can rely on...why don't I go to her when I'm anxious if I really am that important to her? Why...why is that?..."

Hanni: "Because you know...deep down...inside...she never truly loved you...she doesn't truly care about you like she cares about that wonyoung  girl...she'll do anything for her...she's just taking you in're just a...a toy..someone for her to keep around when she's bored..."

Random girl: The truth is that Wonyoung Paid hanni to tell her those horrible lies to haerin for her to stop liking danielle!

Hanni: "W-wait what...SHES LYING HAERIN!! SHES LYING!!

Hanni: " don't believe her right? Haerin you know damn well she really said those things to you! i meant it i meant everything i said! She only keeps you around because she feels like no one else would want you!"

Haerin: i dont fucking believe you

Hanni was TRULY scared that her plan to destroy haerins heart for danielle was gonna be ruined

Hanni: "You don't?? Don't you understand?? She never even loved you in the first place!! Why don't you believe me??? It's the truth that nobody wants to hear in this world."

Hanni: "Why don't you believe me?! Stop being soo blinded by her!! I'm serious she never loved you she just saw you as a backup, Danielle is a total b****!! She's just jealous and she never loves anyone other than herself!! She just has you around to fill up space in case things don't work out between her and her precious Wonyoung!!"


Danielle said screaming behind hanni

Hanni: o-o...oh hi dani!...

Danielle: Dont act Fucking stupid i heard what you said

Hanni: u-u-uh...

Danielle: Get out of my fucking face

Danielle: Get.Out

Hanni quickly ran

Danielle: Dont believe her Haerin shes lying

Haerin: i-i know....i-its just that....

Danielle: just what?

Haerin: d-do you wonyoung...?


danielle yelled



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