make every mistake [H.Steinfeld]

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summary: you run into your ex at the vanity fair party, almost a full year after your breakup, and are forced to accept some hard truths.

warnings: technically none; bitter exes being bitter but also getting distracted; A LOT of references to cheating [very open to interpretation, though; more than one reference to JA; rubix please get over sunkissing challenge; did not proofread at all so it might not make the most sense at times; does this count as a ventfic?

wordcount: 1.5k

a/n: i was supposed to be writing something else [what a surprise lmao]'s sunkissing's anniversary and unfortunately, that song still means a lot to me and i needed to be nostalgic for a second. plus, last year's vanity fair party is what inspired me to start writing fanfiction again so...consider this a very weird, bitter, and nostalgic first anniversary celebration. i hope you enjoy and thank you so much for your love, support, and patience this past year, i plan to continue writing for you guys for a LONG while <3 [and yes, this is sunkissing (sad girl edition)]

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Whoever coined the phrase,"wrong place, right time," as a good thing seriously owes you some compensation. It implies that there could be something possibly good in the situation you're in but what could be good about being stuck at the same party your ex is also at?

Of course, that person might get along with your friends who have been trying to convince you that this situation is a fantastic opportunity for you to show how happy you are. Something that would work if it were true.

But it's not.

How could happiness be anywhere on your radar when every time you interact with someone, they're quick to remind you your ex-girlfriend is currently parading around with a quarterback? Not to mention, the amount of cheating rumors hasn't been helping you feel much better about the situation.

Maybe you're overly petty or arrogant, maybe even codependent, but time has done little to heal the wounds caused by a certain actress.

Which is why you were supposed to be out having fun in the first place...although maybe all of this could have been avoided if a certain 22-year-old hadn't lied her ass off and told you there was no chance in hell your ex would show up.

All you know is you're stuck in a room full of people you don't care about, anxiously looking around every few minutes hoping you won't run into her. It's exhausting but it's also highly addictive.

You're in the middle of debating ditching Billie and the rest of your friends instead of torturing yourself for another hour when you catch a glimpse of the person you've been trying to avoid all night.

Your eyes find her for just a few seconds and yet the whole world seems to stop all at once.

Just like the first time.

You wouldn't say you have a habit of romanticizing the past...except when it comes to Hailee Steinfeld and her ridiculously enchanting energy. A lot of things have changed since the day you met but the one thing you're sure will remain a part of you forever is the way your heart takes off running when she's around.

Running away would be easy. It would probably be the solution to your impending problem and yet you stay. Because as much as you hate to admit've missed her. Seeing just a glimpse of her feels like ecstasy after spending so long trying to erase the thought of her from your mind.

You know you're chasing after someone who isn't even there anymore, someone who vanished the day Hailee chose to go out to dinner with that guy instead of coming home to you. The person you love has been shoved back into far more closets than you can count but you're an addict and the thought of getting her back for just a few minutes gives you a greater high than anything else ever could.

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