karma is the girl on the screen, coming straight home to me [H.Steinfeld]

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summary: having to do interviews with your girlfriend comes with its own set of challenges. thankfully, you always have each other's back.

warnings: none, just fluff with a side of plot; abrupt start and even more abrupt ending; light mentions of anxiety

wordcount: 1.5k

a/n: this is another tumble request that spent almost a month in my inbox :)

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You look up from your phone at the sound of footsteps approaching. There's no way to hide the smile that spreads across your features once you catch sight of who's walking toward you.

"Don't tell me you started missing me already, Steinfeld."

She rolls her eyes affectionately at the use of her last name, an old habit that still lingers between the two of you sometimes. "You wish, Hemsworth. Just came to tell you we have five minutes before the interview starts. Wouldn't want you to be late. Again."

"That's a low blow. You're the reason I was late last time."

"Weird. I don't remember it like that."

"Why am I not surprised?" You reply, attempting to sound annoyed and failing miserably.

She takes a quick look around before reaching out for your hands. You welcome the physical affection a little too eagerly for someone who was trying so hard to make fun of her a few seconds ago. If she notices, she doesn't comment on it, clearly just as starved for contact as you are.

As much as you love being a part of interviews and getting to talk about projects you're passionate about, you hate how little time you get to spend with Hailee. At least when you did the Hawkeye press junket you got to do almost every single interview with her due to the curiosity and impact of your character's developing relationship. This time, however, your role has been the supportive girlfriend.

Despite the excitement from the fans about your character making a not-so-secret appearance in Across the Spider-Verse, all the journalists seemed to prefer to steer clear of having both you and Hailee in the same room to avoid being responsible for accidentally outing you. Just because your relationship is of a more private nature doesn't mean either of you is doing a great job at keeping your obvious feelings in check.

Hence why it was decided you wouldn't participate in many interviews. The last thing you need is another nepotism scandal.

"You nervous?" She asks, her previous teasing tone disappearing into thin air once she notices how spaced out you seem to be.

You shake your head in response almost as if that will get rid of the worries lingering in the back of your mind. "Me? Of course not, what's there to be nervous about?"

She laughs, the sound soft and sweet. "Right. Well, since you're not nervous then I guess you don't want a kiss for good luck..."

"You're a cruel woman, Hailee Steinfeld."

"Just the way you like it," she replies with a wink.

She starts to walk away but you pull her back toward you before she can get too far. You know you played right into her hand when you catch sight of the growing grin on her face but you're too happy to care. You wrap your arms around her neck, careful not to mess up her hair, before connecting your lips in a slow kiss.

Her hands land on your waist long enough to pull you flush against her in an intimate embrace. Time seems to slow down to a crawl while you both relish this brief moment of affection.

It ends too fast for your liking and you have to swallow back your complaints, knowing it's just a matter of time before people from both of your PR teams start looking for you. "We're not done here. Just so you know."

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