Chapter 3: A Child's Resilience

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13th day in the month of Zhyter, year 291 of the 30th calendar (13th of Zhyter, 291/30)

The air outside was heavy with anticipation as dark clouds loomed overhead, signaling the imminent arrival of the second super typhoon. The wind cried, whipping through the trees and rattling the windows of Lily's home. Inside, the family gathered around the television, anxiously watching the weather report. The news anchor's voice crackled with urgency as they warned of the approaching storm's ferocity.

The atmosphere inside the house was also heavy but with worry and anticipation. Lily's family had been on edge ever since her father's car accident, which had left him with severe injuries, amputated arms and a long road to recovery. The accident had been a devastating blow to their family.

As Mercy anxiously paced the living room, her mind filled with a whirlwind of emotions. Every ring of the phone sent a jolt of anxiety through her body. She knew that the hospital had been conducting routine tests for the virus on all patients, regardless of the reason for their admission. It was a precautionary measure to safeguard the staff and other patients.

Finally, the phone pierced the silence, its shrill ring echoing through the room. Mercy's heart skipped a beat as she lunged for the receiver, her trembling hand fumbling to answer the call. The voice on the other end was calm, but its words struck her like a bolt of lightning.

"Hello Mercy. This is Dr. Toriya from East Danthorium Hospital. I'm afraid I have some distressing news. Your husband's test results have come back positive for the virus."

Mercy's breath caught in her throat, her eyes welling up with tears. She struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the news. The room seemed to spin around her as her mind raced with a flurry of thoughts. Fear, panic, and a sense of helplessness washed over her.

Lily, who had been sitting on the couch, looked up at her mother, sensing the sudden shift in the atmosphere. The worry etched on her mother's face sent a surge of unease through her young heart. She had always seen her father as invincible, a superhero who would protect them from any harm. But now, faced with the reality of his illness, she felt a profound sense of vulnerability.

As Mercy hung up the phone, tears streamed down her face. She collapsed onto the couch, her body trembling with a mix of emotions. Lily rushed to her side, wrapping her small arms around her mother in a tight embrace. "Mom, what's wrong? Is Daddy going to be okay?" she whispered, her voice trembling with fear.

Mercy held Lily close, her voice choked with emotion. "Sweetheart, Daddy has tested positive for the virus. It means he's sick, and we have to be very careful to keep ourselves safe."

Lily's heart sank, and tears welled up in her eyes. She clung to her mother, seeking solace and reassurance in her embrace. The weight of the news settled heavily upon them, casting a dark cloud over their lives.

In that moment, Lily's innocence collided with the harsh realities of the world. She realized that their lives would never be the same again. The virus had already wreaked havoc across the world, and now it had infiltrated their own home. Fear and uncertainty gripped their hearts as they grappled with the reality of the situation.

Over the following days, their home transformed into a makeshift quarantine zone. Lily's father was isolated in his bedroom, his presence reduced to a muffled voice on the other side of the door. The once vibrant and bustling household now echoed with emptiness and a sense of unease.

Lily and Emily, her younger sister, tried their best to keep their spirits up. They would stand outside their father's door, pressing their tiny hands against the wood, yearning for his touch. "We love you, Daddy!" they would shout, hoping their words would somehow reach him and provide comfort in his isolation.

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