Epilogue: Emerging Darkness

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1st day in the month of Enraja, year 316 of the 30th calendar (1st of Enraja 316/30)

In a dimly lit prison cell, a middle-aged woman with long, unkempt brown hair sits hunched over. The tangled locks cascade down her shoulders, appearing as if they haven't felt the touch of water or a brush in weeks. The lack of care in her appearance mirrors the desolation within her soul.

Her face, bears a haunting emptiness. Her eyes reflect a profound sense of resignation. It seems the weight of her circumstances has worn her down, leaving her with an expressionless visage that reveals the toll of a life lived behind bars.

As one's gaze wanders, the squalor of the prison cell becomes apparent. The air is heavy with the stench of decay, and the remnants of half-eaten meals lie scattered across the floor. The detritus of unfinished food mirrors the monotonous existence she endures.

Within these bleak surroundings, it becomes evident that this woman has lost hope, surrendering to the harsh reality of her confinement. Her unkempt hair and the dilapidated state of her cell are poignant symbols of the despair and isolation she has endured for far too long.

As the woman continued to gaze into the abyss of her thoughts, a chilling voice pierced the silence, emanating from the obscure corners of her prison cell. "Hey, Lily, how are you?" The voice carried a menacing undertone.

Unfazed by this unwelcome intrusion, Lily turned her expressionless face towards the dark corner from which the voice originated. With a hint of weariness in her voice, she replied, "What do you want now?"

A mysterious figure emerged gradually from the shadows, unveiling a man with lustrous short golden hair and piercing golden eyes. He was adorned in a resplendent golden vest over a crisp white long-sleeved shirt, accentuated by shimmering round golden earrings. His presence, though unwelcome, failed to elicit any visible reaction from Lily. Maintaining her stoic composure, she reiterated, "I thought I made it clear long ago that I no longer require your assistance. No one in this world can alter their own destiny. Fate is sealed for each individual from the moment they take their first breath."

The man's face betrayed a flicker of frustration, yet he attempted to mask it with a nonchalant tone. "Oh, come on, Lily. I was just checking in on you," he retorted.

Lily's eyes met his, devoid of any emotion. "Checking in or not, it doesn't change anything. I've accepted my circumstances, and I don't need false hope or empty gestures. I'm just here accepting the fate that I was given."

The man's smile transformed, now bearing a touch of genuine care. "You know, back when you made that fateful decision to shoot your cousin, you had a choice," he said, his voice filled with a mix of compassion and sincerity. Pausing for a moment, he continued, "You had the opportunity to steer away from the path of self-destruction."

Slowly, the man approached the worn-out bed where Lily sat, his steps laden with a sense of purpose. "But instead," he continued, "when that neighbor of yours knocked on the door, you acted impulsively, firing two fatal shots into his head."

Taking a seat beside Lily, the man continued his speech, his voice tinged with a blend of understanding and frustration. "I've offered my help countless times, hoping to guide you out of this mess. Yet, every time I extended my hand, you chose to repeat the same patterns, making no effort to break free from the cycle."

Looking up, his eyes filled with a mix of disappointment and concern, he added, "It's almost as if you were willingly trapping yourself in an endless time loop, reliving the same year over and over again without making any meaningful changes."

As the weight of his words hung in the air, Lily's expression remained unchanged, her gaze fixed on a distant point. The man's presence beside her carried a sense of both understanding and frustration, as if he were torn between wanting to help her and grappling with the limits of his influence.

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