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Hey there, it's me, Ate Pichu, the author of this story. Before you dive into this short novel, let me take a moment to share with you the story of how I found myself writing it. It was just last month, in March of 2024, when I stumbled upon a remarkable video while engrossed in a video call and browsing the internet simultaneously. As I scrolled through the recommended videos on my social media, I came across a short yet mesmerizing clip that showcased the incredible talent of an artist. This artist used makeup as a medium to depict the horrifying events of the unforgettable year that was 2020. I was spellbound by how this individual managed to convey an entire year's worth of stories through the strokes of a brush on their face, evoking a powerful emotional response within me.

During that video call, my excitement couldn't be contained as I shared my newfound inspiration with the person on the other end. I passionately explained to them how I felt compelled to harness my own creative abilities and craft a story that would capture the essence of that extraordinary year. However, it's important to clarify that this novel is NOT an exact replica of the events that unfolded in 2020. Instead, it is set in a fictional universe that bears a striking resemblance to our own, yet with intriguing alterations. You can say that this novel is "inspired by true events" but this is also a creative reinterpretation of those events. Through this narrative, I aim to explore the profound impact of historical events on our lives and delve into the complexities of human experiences in the face of adversity.

By blending elements of reality and imagination, I hope to transport you to a world that mirrors our own, but with a touch of magic and mystery. This novel serves as a reflection of the resilience and strength we discovered within ourselves during challenging times.

As I embarked on this writing journey, I found myself grappling with depression and anxiety. This novel became more than just a creative outlet; it became a vessel for me to channel and express the depths of my emotions. Writing, for me, goes beyond the pursuit of wealth or fame. It is my passion, my therapy, and a way to share my story with the world. Each novel I write becomes a reflection of the raw feelings and emotions that consumed me during its creation.

Let me take you behind the scenes of the writing process. I vividly remember those intense moments when I poured my heart and soul into this work tirelessly. The first three chapters were born from a relentless flow of inspiration that kept me writing nonstop for two days, with little to no sleep. Even during short breaks to eat and stretch, my mind remained fully immersed in the narrative. However, the lack of sleep, coupled with my ongoing mental health struggles, eventually took its toll, leading to a challenging day marked by panic and anxiety. It was a wake-up call, a reminder to prioritize self-care and find a balance. From that experience, I learned valuable lessons and took better care of myself as I continued writing.

In just three weeks, I managed to bring this entire novel to life, allowing my story to unfold on these very pages. Through this narrative, I aim to push the boundaries of human resilience and explore the delicate edges of a person's mental strength. It is my hope that by delving into the depths of these characters' experiences, you, as the reader, will gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of the human psyche and the remarkable strength that lies within us all.

Before we embark on this journey, I want to provide some clarity regarding the places and months mentioned in this novel. It's important to note that they are purely fictional, crafted to add depth and meaning to the story. For instance, "Novrina" represents the essence of November, while "Winternova" symbolizes the magic of Christmas. Please don't be confused by these unique terms. Allow me to guide you through a brief explanation of the months in this fictional world to ensure a seamless reading experience.

Let's start with the months:

- Enraja signifies the beginning of the year in this fictional world, similar to January in our familiar calendar.

- Eluvri follows, representing the month of February.

- Lumori corresponds to March.

- Zhyter embodies the spirit of April.

- Vertia captures the blossoming of May.

- Quenta symbolizes the warmth of June.

- Kuda represents the vibrant energy of July.

- Tharmil signifies the height of summer in August.

- Solaris marks the arrival of September.

- Decadi represents the enchanting month of October.

- Novrina encapsulates the essence of November.

- Lastly, Briskmoon brings us the joy and festivities of December.

In this fictional world, time operates differently. Each week comprises ten days, offering a unique rhythm to their lives. Now, let me guide you on how to read the dates within this novel. For example:

"1st day in the month of Enraja, year 291 of the 30th calendar

(1st of Enraja, 291/30)"

The first part is straightforward - it represents the 1st day of the month of Enraja. Now, let's delve into the year. In this world, each calendar spans 1000 years. When the year reaches 1000, the year resets to 1, while the calendar itself advances by 1. In our example, "year 291 of the 30th calendar," it means that the current calendar has completed 30 cycles of 1000 years each, resulting in a total of 30,000 years since their calendar system began.

The setting of this book is a captivating modern fantasy world known as Ezenti. Within its borders lies a realm brimming with rich history and captivating stories waiting to be discovered. It is a world that will leave an indelible mark on your imagination, and this novel is merely the beginning of your journey through its vast depths.

Ezenti, the name of this extraordinary world, holds a mirror to our own Earth in its present state. However, the history of Ezenti stretches far beyond the boundaries of our understanding. Once, magic was an integral part of their society, weaving through the fabric of everyday life. But as time progressed and the world evolved, the existence of magic faded into mere legend, lost in the annals of time.

In the setting of this novel, we catch a glimpse of Ezenti as it stands today, a world where magic has become a distant memory. Yet, the echoes of its enchanting past still resonate, leaving traces of wonder and mystery for those willing to explore. While the intricacies of Ezenti's history and the fading magic may not be the central focus of this particular story, it is important to acknowledge that this novel is but a teardrop in the vast ocean of Ezenti's rich tapestry.

So, prepare to immerse yourself in the wonders of Ezenti, a world waiting to be unraveled. As you embark on this literary adventure, remember that the tales within these pages are merely a glimpse into the vastness of Ezenti's history. Allow your imagination to soar, for there are countless stories yet to be told, waiting patiently to be discovered beyond the confines of this novel.

Lastly, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to two individuals who have been unwavering in their support throughout my writing journey. First and foremost, my mom, whose love and encouragement have been my guiding light. And secondly, the person I was in a video call with when the spark of inspiration ignited within me. Their presence has been invaluable.

So, with that said, I invite you to sit back, grab a hot cup of tea, and immerse yourself in this novel. Join me as we explore the depths of my imagination and embark on a journey that weaves reality and fantasy together.

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