The tweet of a bird interrupts my dancing around the kitchen to pandora. How sexy of me, I know. I twirl over to my phone where the email alert had sounded. It's from Rachel, my online friend. I met her a while back and we instantly became friends because we're both insane (in a good way, don't worry!). She wants to hang out and get some froyo. I am instantly elated. How exciting! I've never met her in person before! I would normally be timid, meeting an online friend in person because you know, stalkers and pedophiles and whatnot, but I've facetimed Rachel enough to know that she's none of those things. I message her back.Savannahb11: yass! That sounds like tons of fun! Gimme a time :]
We had been talking about taking a trip together, and our parents had actually taken out suggestions into consideration! We were thinking maybe California, New York, and some out of the country, but we agreed those would be harder to convince, so sticking with the aforementioned.
Anyways, I'm so excited to meet one of my best friends for the first time!