Chapter 25

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Would you like to teach them well, if I invite you as a guest teacher in Gusu, asked Lan Qiren.(😱😱😱😱)

Yes, I am free for a month, I can, replied Wei WuShui, after taking a long break of five minutes.

Than join in a day or two, said Lan Qiren, receiving a nod from WuShui.

Have you seen Xichen? asked Lan Qiren.

Yes, I just came from their, let me show you the way, said WuShui and bring Lan Qiren to Lan Xichen.


So, that was all, Jiang Wanyin completed with all flashbacks, that Xichen wants to know.

Hm... quiet interested...., who can do these things? mumbled Xichen, that everyone had heard, including Wei Wuxian and Lan Shizui who had just arrived.

How can you find this interesting, Zewu Jun, asked Weiwuxian.

What interesting? Lan Qiren entered the Pier with frown on his face.

Grandmaster/Shifu all of them greet in unison.

Lan Qiren only hummed.

Nothing, Zewu Jun was saying, that the things going on these days, those arrays and all are interesting, Wei Wuxian replied casually getting everyones attention.

Wei Ying!? thought Wangji.

Why this idiot can't seal his mouth for once, thought Wanyin.

Am I gone today?, thought Xichen.

While kids were changing gestures of fear.

Aaaand finally Wei Wuxian had realised what the hell he had done 😂🤣 (Oh my! Poor Xichen🤣😂)

As soon as he tried to ask for sorry Lan Qiren started.

Is that so? Xichen I need to talk to you, Lan Qiren said and all of them had a look of dead pan on their face.

But still Xichen tried to compose himself with stammering " Wha... What Shifu?"

Huh!? What happen to you? I am only asking to add Wei Wushui's name as a guest teacher, she will be there from next week, she will teach our disciples, said Lan Qiren, this was another shock for them.

WHAT!? Jiang Wanyin and Wei Wuxian spit out unison.

Lan Qiren ignored them, and take his leave, with a bright hidden smile on his face.

What was that? Jingyi asked in shock.

Huh! WHAT YOU DID TO HIM, A-SHUI? asked Xichen, he almost shoutaed.

Xiongzhang? No shouting, said Lan Wangji, and received a nod from Xichen.

(That's hilarious 😂🤣🤣 Lan Wangji rocked and Xichen shocked 😂😂🤣).

I did nothing, he asked me if I can teach them, so I simply agreed, as I have no work to do now, replied Wei WuShui.

Are you kidding me. How can you do that? asked Chi Nuan.

How I teach you, like that only. Is there any other way you know, asked WuShui. I mean, you said me earlier that you can't teach these techniques to anybody else, than.... than can you do it like that, asked Chi Nuan.

Baobei, I will only take lectures not fighting sessions, you know it very well, only you and you know about that, Okay!? said Wushui to confirm it.

Hm hm, alright, but what about me, do I have to go back at mountain, it will be damn boring without you, and they will bully me, Chi Nuan said almost crying.

Idiot you are coming with me, Shui shui said but a trace of sadness appeared on her face.

Oh WOW! Thank you thank you thank you Mu-mmmmmmmm, shouted Nuan, but soon her mouth covered by TaiMin Jun's hand.

Sorry..... sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry, I didn't meant to shout, said Chi Nuan nervously.

It's ok now, get lost and rest well, TaiMin Jun kicked Nuan while saying.



It's already about 9, so all Lan's were in there chambers, and ofcourse, it's the time when YUNMENG wakes up, so they were on their works.


Wei Wuxian and Jiang Wanyin are together and drunked. They had challenged each other, who will get drunk first, and as always Wei Wuxian is the winner. But our alcoholic brat got drank too.

Now Jiang Cheng is sitting in an uncomfortable position,

legs on table and head on side handle, with a jar in his hand and on other hand 🤭🤭🤭🤭

Wei Wuxian had hang his body on chair handle and legs on Jiang Cheng's chest, one jar in each hand and one jar on his own chest. Both are looking like a dead corpse.


Wei Wuxian bring himself out from Wanyin's chamber, limping and colliding with things, with a bang of door, and hang on his roof.

Lan Wangji woke up due to loud bang, and start going towards the way, sound came from, soon he reached in front of Wanyin's chamber, and saw Wei Ying hand of roof, he almost reached to Wei Ying but WuShui stoped him, from behind.

He will fall, if I don't catch him, said Huanguang Jun.

( Yes you are right he spoke this much, only for Wei Ying his Wei Ying. 🤭🤭🤭🤣🤣)

I am not saying for that, just take this blanket with you and cover him their only, replied Wei WuShui.

With a 'mn' he took the blanket and went above the roof to make Wei Wuxian sleep properly, while TaiMin Jun entered in Wanyin's room, she throw him on his bed and wrap him in blanket too.

Thank you! For your help Huanguang Jun, WuShui greeted him with bow, and received a nod.

Now what will you do,.... Huanguang Jun, asked TaiMin Jun.

Going sleep, said Huanguang Jun, and you, he asked.

It's not my time to sleep yet, I will roam around, see ya tomorrow, Good night!! WuShui said and left in different direction.


Haven't you slept till now, asked Wei WuShui.

You are saying like, you already had slept, replied Jin Ling.

It's not my time to get sleep, so I am trying to capture more beautiful places of Yunmeng, said Wei WuShui, Now tell me what about you!?

Poor Yibo 🤣😂


Happy Holi guys 😁🎊

Bye 👋🏻👋🏻

Goodo nighto 😴😴😴😴

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