Chapter 27

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Idiot, *laugh 🤣 laugh 😂* , finally you wake up, now go *hehe 😂* and freshen up, we are going to leave for Gusu, did you forget, said TaiMin Jun, who rarely was able to control her laugh.

You... You come here, Wei Wuxian ran behind Wei Wushui.

I am going to take my bath, are you coming to company me, teased Wushui.

Shameless. Wangji and Wanyin in unison. 😂🤣

You little pink! Come to me, I will kill you! shouted back Wei Wuxian in embarassment.

( With that all of them left to get ready, for a new day).


Bye Cheng Cheng, teased Wei Wuxian.

You, you repeat it again and I will break your legs, shouted Jiang Cheng.

Cheng Cheng! came out another voice from nowhere, but behind him.

You.... Jiang Cheng shouted again.

Yes me, me what? Teased back Wei WuShui.

We should depart now it's time, said Lan Wangji, and saved another two from Zidian's wrath.

We are ready Huanguang Jun, came two ducklings of our Wangxian.

Hey! Wait for Zewu Jun and Nie Xiong, said Wuxian.

Here comes a slap on his head.

Seriously!? asked WuShui.

Idiot, Nie left yesterday night, didn't you told him about that place..... Jiang Cheng said shamelessly in front of poor Lan juniors, and continued himself,.. and Zewu Jun left with Grandmaster in early morning, when you were sleeping like a corpse.

Oh really! Wasn't that was you who woke up with me, teased Wuxian.


Yes, yes we are leaving, don't worry, BYEEEE, said Wushui and ran away, as Jiang Cheng was behind her.

In between whole conversation, Chi Nuan was damn shocked, because she had never seen TaiMin Jun's this side.

(Few more moments, they spend time while bickering, showing fake anger, throwing tantrums, and after that a crying section of Wei Wuxian and Jin Ling had started, they pull Jiang Cheng in middle of them and hugged him like no tomorrow. With that they leave Yunmeng for Gusu.)



They are on their swords. Jin Ling was also them with Fairy. And Wei Wuxian was almost jump on Lan Wangji for many times due to Fairy.

Gusu is not much far away from Yunmeng, it's rarely 5hours by sword. And about Lanling it's another 3 hours away from Gusu forests, so when they reached till jungles, Jin Ling left with Fairy and another disciples to LanLing. And others entered the Gusu forests.


They are riding on their swords, Lan Wangji and Lan Shizui was following, Wei Wuxian, Chi Nuan and Lan Jingyi, as they were racing.

I am telling you, you can't defeat me, I am faster than anyone else, shouted Wei Wuxian.

In your dreams, I am more faster, shouted back Jingyi.

Seriously! Wasn't that was TaiMin Jun, who taught you all these stuff, again.. shouted Chi Nuan.

They all are shouting, sometimes it's Wei Wuxian and Jingyi so sometimes it's Chi Nuan only, they were racing.

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