Chapter 12 | Hootenanny

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Hey, been so long! Life, yk. Was bored, figured I should give y'all the next chapter in Carl and Salems story!! No tw, Enjoy ❤️

 Was bored, figured I should give y'all the next chapter in Carl and Salems story!! No tw, Enjoy ❤️ _____________________________

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The cafeteria doesn't look like this but imagine this lighting over the gray prison cafeteria pls. Was going for tlou vibes w this.

Carl and Salem leave the library with interlaced fingers, following Maggie. Making their way behind her through the prison, they stop behind the big double doors leading to the large cafeteria.

Maggie pushes one of the doors open and Carl pushes the other revealing the beautiful decor Beth had spent the evening organizing. (with the help of Daryl and others)

Salems brown eyes widen and turn glossy at the reflection of the decadent bulb string lights making a tent of warm orange over the whole room. This room resembled nothing of the boring gray it had once been, vibrant flowers filled the walls and bushy bouquets sat in the middle of every table, all of which had been pushed to the sides of the room making an area in the middle for dancing.

Beth skipped up to the three with her hands behind her back and a big, cheeky smile on her face. "Oh my God Beth, this is beautiful!" Salem complements the sweet blonde.

"Heh, thanks! Daryl and Glenn did most of the heavy lifting, but I did like bossing them around," Beth giggles.

"I didn't," Glenn says defeatedly as he walks up to Maggie and puts his arm through hers.

Soft romantic classical filled the room over one beat up boombox.

"The fact that you found that was so awesome," Carl refers to the music player.

"My first time scavenging too! I guess my eye catches those sort of things, not ideal for supply scavenging but great for party scavenging. Thanks for coming! Feel free to dance, there's also food on the tables to the left. Speaking of that, I'm gonna go indulge. Enjoy!" Just as quickly as she came, Beth skips away towards the platter of peanut butter-filled pretzels.

"Thank you!" Salem calls out as Beth leaves, earning a smile and wave from her.

"So, you wanna indulge?" Carl says.

"Nah I'm good," Salem replies.

The two stand together at the side of the room for a minute, Salem slightly swaying at the music. She hears someone clearing their throat and turns her head to greet Carl bent over slightly, one hand behind his back and one extended forward towards her.

"May I have this dance?" Carl asks in a faux-gentlemen's voice.

Salem giggles, "Wasn't one enough?"

Carls expression falters a bit, "Well I figured now we had music an-"

Salem cuts him off with a playful rolling of her eyes, "I would love to have this dance with you."

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