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"Shit. Shit. Shit. What the hell did I just do?"
I was busy panicking and freaking out when I heard a knock on my door,
"Ms Laila, the board of directors will see you now."
"Okay, thank you, Ezinne."
I stood up from behind my desk and walked nervously towards the door to the meeting room. As soon as I entered, I was greeted with shouting and screaming.

"Haba Laila." Alhaji Kangirmo shouted
"Did you even think this through?" Alhaji Hamisu also shouted.
The entire meeting room was in disarray. The only person who wasn't screaming or shouting was my dad, Alhaji Ibrahim Al- hassan, the chairman of Karitek.

"Ibrahim, this is what happens when you leave a woman in charge of such a large company like Karitek in Nigeria." Alhaji Zubairu said to my father.
Suddenly, my father spoke. "Are you questioning my decision, Zubairu?"
"Of course not, Alhaji, I'm just making an observation."
"Then keep your observation to yourself. Remember, I put you in this position, and I have the power to remove you from it."
"My apologies, Alhaji. I spoke out of turn."

I nearly hissed, what a pussy, if my baba wasn't here today only Allah knows what he would have said.

"As for you, Laila," my father spoke again, " what do you have to say for yourself?"
"Good afternoon Mr chairman and the board of directors..." I didn't even finish before they started shouting,
"Don't greet us, Laila. We don't want your greeting. You want to ruin us, koh?"
"That is enough!" My father shouted, " Laila, continue and don't waste our time."
"Thank you Mr chairman, as I was saying, this decision that I took is for the good of the company. Sure, there are a few risks..." I was interrupted again, but this time, it was by my father.

"A few? Laila, a few risks? The risk percentage of this investment is twenty-five percent, higher than the success rate. If this investment fails, this company will lose a lot of money and go down in the stocks."
"But Mr chairman..."
" Don't, 'Mr. Chairman' me, Laila. I spent a lot of money for you to go to school in London. I expect you to have more sense than this. Even if you wanted to take this big risk, you should have called a meeting with us. You're a CEO, Laila, not a small business owner. The reason you have so many people around you is so that they can advise you. It was foolish for you to take that decision on your own, which is why we, the board of directors, have decided to suspend you as the CEO of Karitek. "

I was flabbergasted, "Until when?"
"Maybe until you get married."
I fell to my knees," Baba, la tafeal hadha bi min fadlik. (Don't do this to me, please.)" I pleaded with him in arabic.
" Lam tatruki li 'aya khair ya laylaa. (You have left me no choice, Laila.)"
"Baba, please."
"Lan 'ughayir rayi ya laylaa. (I will not change my mind, Laila.)"
I pushed back tears as I got up," Ana ahtarim qararak.(I respect your decision.)

I turned around and left the meeting room. As I got back into my office, Ezinne, my assistant, rushed to me, " Ms Laila, what did the board of directors decide?"
"Ezinne, I've been suspended. "
"What? Until when, Ms Laila?"
"Until I get married."
"How long will that take?"
"I honestly don't know, but it might take a while."
"Should I help you pack your stuff?"
"Yes, please."

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