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HAMZAI prayed, Asr, and left the house almost immediately

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I prayed, Asr, and left the house almost immediately. I didn't need my father reminding me to make a good impression every five minutes, and I didn't need my mum and stepmum to keep going on about how handsome I was. Just as I was about to leave, Ummita came running to me,
"Yaya, please answer Adda Hafsat's calls. She's disturbing me."
"Tell her that I have something important to do."
"Toh, if she kills you, it's not my business."

I watched as my bratty little sister skipped back to her room. I've told her time without number to stop calling me 'yaya'. But she wouldn't listen to me. I'm not even my father's oldest son. My mother married my father a few years after he married my stepmum, and she gave him only two children, me and Ummita. My stepmum gave him five children, four boys, and one girl (Adda Hafsat). I haven't seen any of my brothers in two years. I didn't even know if they were coming to my wedding, but I didn't care. They always treated me like I was irrelevant because we weren't from the same mother. But my hostillity didn't extend to my stepmum or Adda Hafsat. They always treated me with kindness.

All four of my brothers went abroad after finishing their secondary school education, only calling from time to time, breaking their mother's heart in the process. Selfish idiots. I tried not to think about their foolish behaviours because it would only enrage me more. I left the house in a haste when I heard my mother's voice in the other room.

I got into my black Range Rover and drove off. While I was going to my in-law's house,I received a call from Farouq,
"Hamza, where are you?"
"I'm going to my in-law's house."
"On such short notice?"
"Yeah. Their family head wants to see me."
"Is that why you are sounding depressed. Can't you see how bright the sun is today?"
"What the hell is my business with how the sun is? Am I plant? What do you want me to do? Photosynthesis?"
"Guy, calm down, nah. What is your problem?"
"I don't know, I just feel frustrated."
"Is it because of what happened yesterday?"
I didn't reply.
"I thought you didn't like her."
"I don't."
"Then why are you jealous of her cousin?"
"I'm not jealous of her cousin."
"Okay, continue being delusional."
"I'm not being delusional."

He started laughing.
"You like this girl, and you don't even know it."
"Fuck off Farouq."
"You didn't deny it though."
"I don't like her. In fact, I don't think that there is anyone I hate more than her."
"Inna Lillahi, you are so delusional. I can't wait for you guys to start living together. You won't last one week."
"Just shut up. I'm almost at her house."
"Toh. I'll talk to you later."

I cut the call before he could say anything stupid. Me. Like that girl? Over my dead body. Of all the babes in Abuja, why would I like her? Adda Hafsat was spamming me messages that were disturbing me, so I finally decided to answer her. I parked and picked up my phone and called her.

The phone rang a few times before she answered,
"Hello, Hamza."
"Na'am. Adda, you've been calling me."
"Hamza, are you okay? I have been calling you and sending you messages since Asr time. Where are you?"
"I am going to Alhaji Al-hassan's house."
"Ah ah. Why?"
"Their family head wants to see me."
"Did you see all the reels that I sent to you?"
"I haven't watched any of them."
"Hamza, I did some research about the girl that you are going to marry, and apparently, she's a cold businesswoman."
"I don't understand what you mean."
"All the blogs are describing her as a cold and mean person."
"Did you just ask me that? Hamza, what if she extends her hostility to you?"
"With all due respect, Adda, I can handle my marital problems by myself. There is no need to sow hatred."
"Toh. I just wanted to inform you. Don't mess up in front of her family."
"Okay. I'll talk to you later, Adda."

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