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When Laila pulled up to Uncle T's, Azizah suddenly let out a loud shriek,
"Oh my God."
"What? What happened?"
"See him."
"See who?"
"My babe. Laila, stop the car. I want to see him."

Laila could do nothing but shake her head as her best friend was jumping in her seat.
"Azizah, calm down. I need to park first."
"Can't you park faster?"
It took all of Laila's self-control to not hit her friend across the face as she looked for a place to park.

As soon as Laila parked the car, Azizah jumped out and ran to her boyfriend. And Laila could do nothing but watch as her best friend and her boyriend were falling over each other as if they hadn't seen each other for years.
"Farouq, you have to meet Laila." Azizah said when Laila got down from the car wearing her Dior sunglasses.

Laila walked up to them after locking her car,
"Are you guys done with your relationship rubbish?"
"Don't mind Laila. She's just hating."
"It's fine." Farouq said with a smile. "Hello Laila, I'm Farouq."
"Hey, it's nice to meet you."

Farouq was a good-looking guy with light skin and dark brown eyes. He was about sixfoot five inches tall and was very well dressed. He sensed some familiarity from Laila, but he couldn't see her face because of the oversized sunglasses she was wearing.
"It's nice to meet you too, Laila. Shall we go inside?"

Laila and Azizah followed Farouq inside before he turned to them,
"I invited my friend to the dinner. I hope you don't mind."
"No, there's no problem."
But nothing could prepare Laila for what she saw next. As soon as she entered Uncle T's, she saw an all too familiar face. Azizah saw it too and turned to look at Laila,
"Isn't that your fiance?"
"It is. Maybe he's here for another reason."

Farouq came over to show them to the same table that her fiance to be was sitting at,
"Hamza, this is my girlfriend Azizah and her friend Laila."
"Laila?" Hamza asked his friend, skeptical at the situation.
"Laila, could you remove your glasses?"
Laila glanced at Azizah, who urged her to remove the glasses. She slowly took them off and stared directly at the man she was supposed to marry in a few weeks.

"Are you stalking me?"
"You wish I was stalking you. I'm here because my friend invited me to see her new babe."
"That is the same reason that I'm here."
"Good. Let's not make a scene and spoil their night."
Azizah and Farouq could only watch as their best friends argued,
"Can we eat now? Some of us are hungry."
"I agree with Azizah. We can talk while we eat."

Laila and Hamza glared at each other before sitting opposite their best friends. They soon ordered their food and were talking casually.
"So Laila, I'm curious. Where are you from?" Farouq nervously tried to make conversation, "I just mean that you don't look like a Nigerian."
"I'm actually a half-caste. My dad is part Arab, so I picked the look from him."
"What about you? Are you Shu'Arab?"
"Yes. I'm actually Fulani from Gombe."

They continued talking until Azizah brought up exes.
"So, Farouq, do you have any past relationships?"
"Yeah. I'm not too proud of them. Since most of them ended up horribly. What about you?"
"I have two exes."
"What happened to them?"
"The first one cheated on me with Kubra..."
"Who is Kubra?"

Laila answered him,
"Kubra is this bitch that was in our friend group."
"Isn't that a bit harsh?"
"Harsh? Babe, this girl is a bastard. Stupid hoe."
"Azizah, calm down. What about the second one?"

Azizah went stiff at the mention of her ex,
"He was the best. He was caring and loving. Before he started hitting me."
"He hit you? What did you do to him afterwards."
"I didn't do anything. Laila is the one who helped me."
"What did Laila do?"
"I broke his leg with a metal baseball bat and ruined any chances of him having children."
"You did what?"
"I wanted to do the same to that bastard she dated first, but he ran to London with Kubra."
"So you would kill for Azizah?"
"Of course I would. Any bastard, bitch or hoe that wants to harm her has to face me first. So warn yourself. If she ever cries because of you, I won't hesitate to end your life."

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