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THIRD PERSONLaila entered the parlour and saw a sight that she thought she would never see

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Laila entered the parlour and saw a sight that she thought she would never see. The dark guy that almost hit her car on friday was sitting on the couch in the parlour, wearing a white kaftan and scrolling on a black IPHONE 14. She was so surprised because she thought she would never see him again.
"Assalam Alaykum. My name is Laila. What's yours?"

Hamza, who was sitting in the parlour, made a promise to himself that he wouldn't so much as look at his bride-to-be not to talk of even speaking to her. But he when heard the voice that he had been dreaming about, he had this impulsive feeling to look at the owner of the voice. So, despite himself, he looked up and saw the girl from the highway. The same girl he had been dreaming of at night.
"Walaykum Salam. My name is Hamza. Can you please tell me where my bride-to-be is?"
"You must have misunderstood. I'm the girl that has been arranged to marry you."
"Oh." He sounded dejected. He didn't know why. Maybe because he the girl that he has been fantasizing about was actually the slut that was supposed to marry him.

Maybe looks aren't everything after all, "Oh so you're the slut that so desperately wants to marry me. Shameless gold digger."
Laila was taken aback. Five seconds ago, this guy seemed like a presentable member of society. But now he just seemed like an arrogant bastard. And Laila wasn't going to take that from anyone,
"Excuse me? Mind you, you're in my father's house, and I won't allow myself to be disrespected like that. Who exactly do you think you are to speak to me like that?"

Hamza was shocked. Nobody had ever told him off like that. His pride was hurt, and his ego was bruised. He was about to respond when she continued talking,
"Do you think I wanted this stupid arranged marriage? The only reason I am currently in this room is so that I won't be stripped of my title as CEO. So please rest."

She hissed and went to sit down on the couch opposite him. She pulled out her white and gold IPHONE 14 and dialled a number. Hamza watched her in astonishment. He was low-key impressed, no girl had ever spoken to him like that before. They were either too busy admiring his good looks or touching him to ever have the common sense to talk back to him. But Laila wasn't playing. She looked really pissed off when Hamza called her a slut. Hamza felt a bit bad for insulting her like that, but his pride wouldn't allow him to apologise.

Laila just ignored him after what he said to her and called her best friend Azizah,
"Hello ore. (Hello, my friend. )"
"Hello, Laila, ibo lo wa? (Hello Laila, where are you?)"
"Mo wa ni ile. (I'm at home.)"
"Ki lon se ni ile? (What are you doing at home?)"
"Mo ni meeting kan ni. (I have a meeting.)"
"Meeting biti bawo? (What do you mean by meeting?) Shey won ti suspend e ni? (Haven't they suspended you?)"
"Won ti suspend mi. (They have suspended me.)

Azizah was confused. Which stupid meeting would she be attending if she was suspended.
"Meeting oshi wo? (Which stupid meeting?)"
"Azizah ma binu. (Azizah, don't be angry.) Engagement meeting ni. (It's engagement meeting.)"
"Oh, how is it going?"
"Oo le believe nko ti bobo yi she fun mi. (You won't believe what this guy said to me.)
"Ki lo she? (What did he do?)"
"Asiwin yi ri mi, o ki mi, o wa bere sin bu mi. (This mad guy saw me, he greeted me, he now started insulting me.)
"Iro ni. (It's a lie)"

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