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LAILAI glanced nervously at the door to Baba's parlour

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I glanced nervously at the door to Baba's parlour. What could they possibly be discussing behind those doors? Jada made it very clear that she wanted to discuss it with him in private. I heard laughter from behind the closed doors. What was so funny? What was that man trying to do to my grandmother? Was he trying to brainwash her with his good looks and charming smile? What the actual hell is going through my head?

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I turned around to see Sa'adah and Azizah behind me, looking concerned. Sa'adah came back this morning, and the first thing she did was to come and check up on me. I told her to prioritise her health, and she almost killed me.
"Laila, you've been standing there for the past fifteen minutes." Azizah said with worry, "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Nothing is wrong." I replied half-heartedly.
Sa'adah said nothing. She just looked at me with the observation of a person studying quantum physics.
"Laila, are you nervous because of Hamza?" Azizah said, trying to get a reaction out of me.
"No. Why would you say something like that?" I shot back defensively.

In the midst of all this, Sa'adah stayed quiet. which was unlike her.
"Sa'adah, are you okay? Do you need to sit down? Or drink some water?" Azizah was bothered. The doctor in her spoke volumes.
"Stop that. I can't stand it. I'm not a doll. If I want something, I'll say it." Sa'adah snapped at Azizah.
"I'm sorry. It's just that you look so fragile now. I'm just worried about you."
"I know that you're worried. But I left England to escape all the smothering, I didn't expect to see it here."
"You were just so quiet."
"Yes. For a good reason. Laila isn't someone who is easily flustered. But here she is, turning red because her fiance is talking to Jada."
"Of course, because she loves him so much. And she doesn't want Jada to oppose the marriage."
Sa'adah laughed before answering, "Do you think I'm an idiot? I spent four years in law school. I'm not easily fooled."

She then turned to me,
"You don't want to get married. And you're worried that Hamza will disclose that to Jada."
I quickly rushed to cover her mouth, "What if someone hears you?"
"So it's true."
I sighed in resignation, "You're right. This is purely a marriage of convenience. There is nothing like love between us."

Before Sa'adah could answer me, Jada yelled from the parlour,
"Laila. Please come inside."
I took a deep breath before stepping inside the parlour. The sight I was greeted with shocked me. Hamza was sitting on the floor beside Jada's feet, just like what Azizah, Sa'adah and I were doing before he came. He must have said something funny because Jada laughed heartily.
I took a deep breath before I spoke, "Jada. You called me?"
"Yes, Ya bint. Come and sit beside your husband-to-be."

I eyed the spot beside Hamza before settling there.
"Laila. You have chosen a good life partner." Jada said, looking at both of us.  And I could do nothing but smile as she praised me.
"This union has to be the best thing my family has done for me." Hamza said.
I side-eyed him as he spoke. The man had to have honey on his tongue because of all the 'sweet' things he said.
"Laila. What about you? What do you think about this union?" Jada asked.
The word union was starting to annoy me, "I honestly think it's an amazing idea."

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