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LAILAAs I entered the house, I was greeted by the sound of somebody crying

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As I entered the house, I was greeted by the sound of somebody crying. I moved further into the sitting room and saw Duha in tears behind the couch. Immediately, I went towards her to comfort her.

"Duha, ma huwu alkhata'a? (Duha, what's wrong?)"
"Adda?"She answered," Mati eudtu? (When did you get back?)
"Mundh waqt lays bibaeid. (Not long ago). Limadha tabki? (Why are you crying?)"
"La shi'. (Nothing.)"
"Duha, don't say that. Something is clearly bothering you. Just tell me."
"Adda, please don't be angry."
"Just tell me."
"I miss my mama and baba."

I was taken aback. Am I that heartless that Duha would think that I would get angry for such a reason? Then I suddenly remembered. It was the eight year anniversary of the death of the triplets' parents. Ra'ad, Burq, and Duha are the children of my late aunt Maryam, who died on a flight to Kaduna along with her husband, Uncle Sa'ad.

The triplets were only in primary four when they lost their parents. My father was heartbroken because he lost his little sister, and Uncle Sa'ad was also like a brother to him. After their funeral, Baba adopted the triplets and raised them as his own kids.

Even though Baba tried to make them feel better, it was hard for them to adjust to life without their parents. Duha cried for days without stopping and refused to eat anything at all. Burq was just angry. He kept shouting at everyone, and he refused to accept the fact that his parents were dead and kept screaming for them to search properly. It was when he saw their bodies that he broke down in tears. Ra'ad showed no emotion. He spent his time either comforting Duha or calming down Burq.

Duha is the baby. She's so  fragile and sensitive that she cries for the tiniest inconvenience. It's not a bad thing it's just part of her personality. Burq is the temperamental one. He gets angry over any little thing. Ra'ad, on the other hand, was cool, calm, and rational, although he could have massive bursts of anger if provoked.

"Adda, I'm sorry for bringing this up. I know that you have had a bad enough day."
"Duha. It's okay for you to miss your parents, but when you miss them, you don't just cry. You also say some dua for them. So that Allah can spare their souls."
"Thank you, Adda."

As she turned to leave, I stopped her, "Wait. How did you know that I was having a bad day?"
"News of your suspension is all over social media."
"Are you serious?"
"Adda Laila, would I lie to you?"

As she left, I quickly opened Instagram, and the first thing that I saw was:

Are you fucking kidding me? Are people that jobless? It is as if these people don't have anything that they are doing with their lives, bah?

I was so furious, I turned on the TV and changed the channel to Arise news. Their headline was:

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