➪ Beginning of Another Story

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here It All Started

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The sound of kids training echoed throughout the academy

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The sound of kids training echoed throughout the academy. Kids at the age of 11 can be seen sparing and going against each other except for one, a girl in her blue school uniform stood to the side watching in envy as she watch the others train, wishing she can be a part of that.

Beside her is a old man with a monocle holding a red notebook, writing every once in a while as he observe the kids train.

The training stopped when someone ringed the doorbell of the academy. They paused and followed the old man as he walked to the front door. An ape in a civilian clothing opened the door letting two people in, once the old man and kids got to the front door.

A older woman, smiled to the old man while the redhead girl beside her stand still with a straight face, holding a briefcase.

"Mr. Hargreeves it's good to see you again" said the older woman in a cheery tone as she offered her hand for a shake to which Mr. Hargreeves accepted.

"Miss Minerva, what a pleasure that you visited the academy" said the Monocle, as the kids behind him eyed the visitors.

Though they were ordered to go back to the training ground and continue training to which they complied.

He asked what they were doing in the academy, to which Minerva answered happily "Well, we have offered you something.. a gift to be precised!"

The Monocle raised an eyebrow suspicious but at the same time intrigued and curious about the gift, and asked what it was.

The old woman pushed the redhead beside her forward, "This one, we wanted to give you a thank you gift for helping us complete the project we created years ago".

"Though we know that it took a long time to give you this thank you gift, we still hope that you appreciated this".

Mr. Hargreeves observed the redhead before turning his gaze to Minerva, "Not to seem rude Miss Minerva, but for what exactly do I need this one for?" he asked.

She chuckled before saying that it was a Black Widow, a special kind. "This one is trained hard so that it can successfully protect you from dangers". He was intrigued at the fact that they were giving him a Black Widow.

After some quite time he agreed and accepted the gift, they chatted for a few moments before Minerva left the academy a few minutes after.

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The Monocle asked the redhead about her name to which she answered "N-27, Mr. Hargreeves"

He nodded before gesturing a sign to follow him and leave the suitcase on the table. They walked to the training ground and all of the kids stopped what they were doing when The Monocle arrived.

He introduced the redhead and her purpose for being in the academy, which was to be his bodyguard and guide on training. Then he ordered them to introduced themselves.

"I'm Number 1, Luther"

"Number 2, Diego"

"Number 3, Allison" said the girl with curly hair, as she waved and smile

"Number 4, Klaus"

"Number 5.." said the Boy uninterestedly

"Number 6, Ben" said with a polite smile by Number 6

"Number 7, Vanya" said the girl on the side, separated from the others.

N-27 only nodded and said nothing. Then Mr. Hargreeves resumed their training, as he ordered her to take care of her belongings/briefcase and have them settled in her room. The ape from earlier who introduced himself as Pogo, guided her to her room and toured her around the academy.

Once they were done with the tour, Pogo drop her off at her room before saying with a smile before he leaves.

"Welcome to the Umbrella Academy, Miss N-27"

"Welcome to the Umbrella Academy, Miss N-27"

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𝚋𝚢:  𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚢𝚢𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠

𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜 | THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY [1]Where stories live. Discover now