10: "Vacation"

305 11 15

April 15th

1:46 PM

Both the bird and the speedster stood outside the tower, waiting for the rest to be ready. Raven finally left the tower and joined the two friends. "I couldn't find something," she explained with slight embarrassment hidden in her voice.

Kid Flash let out a breath through his nose with a grin, knowing well she meant the new comic he had gotten her. Robin simply nodded, masking his laugh as he remembered the ginger telling him about the comic.

Starfire flew out of the tall T-shaped building soon after the demon girl. "Hello, friends!" she exclaimed. "Hey, Star," the bird greeted with a sweet smile and warm cheeks. The fast hero subtly nudged his friend with a knowing smirk. Robin rolled his eyes as he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.

Beast Boy and Cyborg followed the alien princess out the building with two large bags in their hands. "So, how we getting there?" the robot teenager wondered eagerly. Robin and the speedster looked over to him then at each other. They both had huge grins plastered on their faces.

1:52 PM

Beast Boy, Cyborg and Raven stood with much dizziness. "You should've warned us..." Cyborg groaned. "I hate to have to agree," the demon girl sighed as she rubbed her temples. Starfire, Robin and Kid Flash silently stared at the other three. "I am the used to the speed because of my Tamaranean ship," the alien girl explained. "But why isn't friend Robin the dizzy?"

The other three agreed with Starfire's question and turned to the leader. He was at a loss for words. "I... don't really know.." he shrugged. "You're probably just used to it," the speedster suggested as he tried to justify the fact his friend was completely fine. The bird nodded.

The six entered the older man's home. "Yo, Flash!" Robin shouted out. In a split second, the Flash appeared in front of them. "Hey, Kid! Robin!" the masked man greeted. "Who are they?" he asked with a welcoming smile. "This is Beast Boy, Raven, Cyborg and Starfire," the ginger speedster introduced as the others waved. "Nice to meet you guys," he smiled. "Please, come in!" The six teenagers did what he had told them to do and entered the lovely house.

"Make yourselves at home," the man said warmly. The ones who haven't been there all scattered around the house, exploring the place... for a good five minutes. They soon gravitated towards the couch and sat there the rest of the day, watching tv.

8:55 PM

The fast hero walked into the living room, where the four still sat. "I know it's still pretty early but in case either of you decide to go to bed, the guest bedrooms are the two rooms on the far end of the hall upstairs," he explained to the four young Titans. They all nodded before he smiled and left them alone again.

They all moved their attention to the television before them.

8:57 PM

Wally and Dick sat on the ginger's bed, scrolling on their phones as they ate snacks. They had a show playing in the background just for some extra entertainment.

The blue eyed boy yawned as he put down his phone. He laid down onto his stomach and stuffed his face into the mattress. The other laid down on his back next to him. "What's wrong?" the freckled boy asked as he kept watching his phone. The other groaned. "I'm so fucking bored!" he whined with his voice muffled. "Me too," the older boy exhaled.

Dick sat up on his knees suddenly, his face beaming. "Why don't we play 'truth or dare'?" he suggested. Wally snorted as he sat up as well. "That's such a dumb game.." he replied. The other's expression softened as he heard the other turn him down. "I'll start!" the ginger finished with a face just as excited as the other.

9:25 PM

"Truth or dare?" the young speedster asked the other. "Mm... truth," he grinned. "D'you have a crush on Starfire?" Wally questioned with a chuckle. "Isn't it obvious?" Dick asked as a reply.

"Truth or dare, Walls?" he asked this time. "Dare, obviously. 'Cause I'm not a chicken," he laughed, gaining a dramatic gasp from the other. "How rude of you, Wallace!" he exclaimed with one hand over his heart and the other on his forehead. "Pardon me, Richard," he apologised with the same level of drama. They both ended up laughing for a bit.

"Okay.. I dare you to take a twenty from a random store," he demanded. Wally chuckled with a shrug and left, only to come back after just under a minute. "Here you are, m'lady," he handed the twenty dollar bill to the younger boy. "How do I know you didn't just take that from Barry?" Dick examined.

They were suddenly in front of a closed and dark store. Dick looked around in confusion before he looked up at the taller boy. "Watch me," the freckled boy commanded. The other nodded. Wally quickly sped into the store, slickly fazed through the cash register, took another twenty and left the store. All without a single alarm going off.

The shorter boy look at him, shock filling his face. "Dude?!" he whisper-yelled. "That's for you, Birdie," the older giggled. The other obviously accepted the second twenty, shrugging off the fact a young hero just stole. Dick was a there as a witness, anyways.

Wally ran them both back to the house, into his room and back on the bed. "Is it my turn?" he smiled. The paler boy nodded with a soft, relaxed sigh.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare, bitch."

"I dare you to kiss me."


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