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I grabbed Prices neck from the back, pushing him to me, i wriped off his hat.

At that moment, Price flew against my body, his hand on my lower stomach from the forge. Price was terrified, to say the least.

My eyes went dark. I could only see color on price. The rest went black. I stuggled to keep my breathing calm, but the anger flew off me.

It was silent for a minute, no words. I slowly lifted my hand to reach for his bruised eye and cheek.

"Who did this."


"I said who did this." My voice came out more dark than intended, making his body tense in my arms.

Before Price could pull away, I pulled him into my chest, wrapping my arms around him. I didn't mean to scare or hurt him.

His arms wrapped around my waist. He hid in my chest. I placed one hand on his cheek after a few minutes, I lifted his head, and his blue eyes stared into mine.

"Price, please, im begging you." I wanted to kill whoever did this to him." Please, Price."

"I.." I rabbed sircles on his back to comfort him a bit more." My boyfriend." Why the fuck whould you own boyfriend do that to you.

"I wanted to break up he didn't take it well... he begged for another cahnge but ive given him so many. He was supposed to leave last night i gave him 2 days to move his stuff out. Last night i went back to help him move but his 2 girl Bestfriends and boy Bestfriend were there and.. they uh they." He took a big breath. He looked ashamed." They attacked me."

"There more, i want to know all of it."

"He said to them lets all have fun with him... the all tried taking of my clothing and um... kussing me."

And right there i lost my shist. I heard Price yell for me, but i couldn't hold vack my anger. My fist went against his wall

Price and i go way back after he first joined, and he went up the ranks. I joined 6 years later at 16, when we met up after a mission one day we had done things that night. It broke our bond, but we fought to keep it from crumbling.

Once our bond was fixed, i caught feelings for him, but i kept it hidden deep down my fear of breaking our bond was almost like a phobia. I loved him too much to lose him.

"Y.n, please calm down."

Price watched as Y.n was losing it. He tried calmimg Y.n, but nothing worked till he grabbed Y.n's neck, pulling him against his body.

Y.n was focused on me, his attention focused on me but not his breathing, stiññ rapid and full of anger

"Calm down, it alrught. See, im okay. im safe. i got away before anything could happen." I held hus face in my hands

"I want them dead. I want to make them suffer in my hands as they beg for mercy." His voice was dark and could as his eyes stared into mine

"I know, baby. But i need you to calm down first." His anger wasn't fading, so i did something i wanted to do for so long

He frozed the moment my lips met his. Y.n was a bit taller than me even tho he was younger than me he is taller. Holding his head down to help

So hey, hi, how are we getting revenge in part 2???😈

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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