Second thoughts ☁️

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I stood in front of the full lengte mirror in the grooms suite, staring at my reflection as the room buzzed with chatter and laughter. Something wasn't right. I know everyone has a second thought on their weiding day, but this wasn't right

My bestman, Simon Riley, pated my back and handed me a glass of whisky. I watch the golden liquid swirl in the glass. The drink wasn't strong enough to throw this feeling.

I had played out this day more than a thousand times, and each time, each time i saw her smile. Her laughter, the happiness that bloomed of her. But know as the time ticked closer and closer. My chest tightened more and more.

His smile when he laughed and the sparkle in his eyes when he spoke about things he found interesting. The way his hand would always find his why on my chest when he said hello or goodbye. How he stood and took his place as a leader. His blye eyes and his hat.

I reached for my phone to reread a message i got.

Price: Hey, i just want to congratulate you on your big day. Im sorry for how i handled things last week. I hope you're getting married in a vield of flowers you always said you wanted to marry someone in a veild of flowers sunflowers or roses.

The room started to feel smaller, the wals ich closer, my breath quickened, i was suffuocating. My fingers tremble as i place down the whiskey glass. I turned it on last time to the mirror.

"Go, brother, I'll handle things here." Simon came to my rescue.

Without a word, i turned toward the door. In the Ech step, i took everyone faded

The door shut behind me with a click, the corridors of the venue stretched long, and empty. My footsteps echoed as i started running. My mind was a cloud full of what ifs. But i had one target.

My dress shoes pounding against the sidewalk, ech block i passed in a blur, the closer i got to base the more vivid the memories become. The way we'd joke about coffee and tea. I always wanted a strong cup of coffee. He always wanted a sweet cup of tea. My British boy.

I ran into the building after getting through security and through a bunch of looks.

I got to his office door, and there was no going back now. My heart was pounding against my chest, and my ears were ringing. I took a second just to calm.

But that didn't happen. I burst through the doors and charged toward him. He was leaning against the wooden desk with a file in his hands. His legs strestched out on foot over the other, his hat covering his face. The sound of me bursting in grabbed his attention. I grabbed his face, locking our lips together.

After a few seconds, i felt his hand find its way to my chest and his othe on my shoulder. His lips danced with mine.

This is who and what i want.

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