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- Ian x reader

- Fluff

'The air is warm and the scent of outside is pumpkin spice. Today is October 31st, The day of Halloween. You and Ian were dressed in matching costumes waiting for kids to arrive, Ian held the bowl full of candy and you sat beside him. Kids began to come to you both. Ian handed out pieces of candy to the children while complimenting their costumes.'

'Eventually kids stop coming and you both are out of candy. You take the bowl and head inside the house. Ian takes a seat on the couch and turns the television on. You sit next to him and watch whatever is playing. It's Friday the 13th the first one from 1980. Ian jumps and holds onto you, you laugh at his actions and continue to watch. The movie is starting to get a tad bit more scary. Just as Jason lifts his machete the lights cut out and lightning hits loudly. Ian jumps and screams. Your eyes widen but calm, you turn to Ian and place your hand on his shoulder telling him it was just the lightning causing the lights to cut out and that Jason was so obviously not real.'

'Ian calms down a little but is still shaken. You get up and go to the basement with a flashlight to check on the power box. You make it downstairs and open the box. The wires were cut and the inside was destroyed. Your brows scrunch in confusion, Lightning couldn't have done this. Someone must have done it, Perhaps Ian is playing a trick on you. You head upstairs and head back to the living room only to see Ian missing, How nice right? You roll your eyes and look around for Ian. You end up not finding him and decide to just forget about him and go to sleep. You open the door just to see Ian passed out in the bed. You pick up the pillow next to him and smack him in the head. He wakes up and sees you, 'Oh hi y/n funny seeing you here..' 'haha very funny Ian. This is where I sleep, not really funny.' he gives a nervous smile. 'I'm just gonna go back to sleep..' you roll your eyes and pull the covers off of your side and lay down pulling the covers over you. You close your eyes but open them. 'Ian.' 'hm?' 'Did you destroy the power box downstairs..?' He turns and looks at you confused. 'The inside is completely destroyed Ian, Did you go downstairs and destroy it??' 'No?' you give a wtf face. Then who could have done that..'

'You decide to just let it go and go to bed. Ian turns back his way and immediately falls asleep. You turn around and do the same. 2am and Ian hears a noise, Ian turns your direction and wakes you up. 'Y/n!' 'Y/NNN' you wake up and look at Ian. 'Theres someone in the house I heard a noise downstairs!' Your eyes widen 'Why didn't you just call the police Ian??? I'm not an officer!' he shrugs and then you both hear glass break. You get up and slowly head downstairs. You peak your head from the stairs to the kitchen. Jesus Ian.. It was just Damien, But what the hell is he doing here? You walk all the way down and call out Damien's name. He turns knowing he got caught and fesses up to it being a prank and apologizing. You cross your arms and shake your head. 'How did you even get in here?' 'Ian gave me a spare key.' God dammit Ian.' 

'Ian comes downstairs and sees Damien. 'Damien? why are you here' 'Uh doing that prank you planned? or at least I did it already yesterday and sort of continued it today.' You snap your neck towards Ian. Ian's eyes go wide. 'Ian..' He let out a nervous laugh. 'We can talk about this right? just a talk?? No hitting me??' Your eye twitches and you pick up your shoe. Ian jumps at that and tries to make a run for it. Damien exits the room already knowing what's gonna happen to Ian and wants no part of it. 'See you later Ian. If your even alive after that.' You run full force towards Ian and he screams running as fast as he can away from you.' 

'What a long day full of screaming and yelling from Ian this is gonna be. Should have never pulled that stupid prank and dragged Damien into it.'


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