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Tommy x friend reader

You and Tommy are in his car blasting his playlist and dancing together all crazy, screaming the lyrics at the top of your lungs while laughing. You guys make it to the mall and Tommy turns the music off, The both of you get out the car and head towards the door of the Mall. "Where should we go first?" You ask. Tommy smirks and says "Obviously s/n!"

You both run to find the store and enter it. "Tommy omg! Look at this!" You show Tommy the item you found "GIRL YOU SHOULD TOTALLY GET IT!" You both giggle and leave the section with that item.

Tommy gasps and picks out this really cute shirt "Y/n!! Look at this shirt" you look and gasp "That's so cute!!" You both continue to shop and look around. Now it was time to pay, "We're gonna be so broke" Tommy looks over at you "But it was worth it!!" He says and you laugh.

"Come on we have to go into that store" Tommy grabs your hand a drags you to the store. Heading inside you spot something immediately. Tommy let goes of your hand as he also sees something he wants. You both show each other the item while freaking out over it. Tommy runs over to you and tells you that he sees someone that might be your type. You look over and to your surprise he was right. "I'm telling you n/n, you should go talk to him!" "WHAT! No way Tommy" he pouts.

"I'll do it for you" your eyes widen and you try to grab Tommy but it was too late. Tommy heads over to the guy and begins to talk to him while pointing at you. You freak out and begin to start looking at random stuff. 'GSHSHS WHY WOULD HE DO THAT' The guy walks over to you and makes conversation with you. Tommy silently takes a photo while quietly laughing his ass off because he's so sure he got you a boyfriend.

The guy ends up giving you his number and says his goodbyes. Tommy walks over and you hit him in the arm "OWW 😡" you roll your eyes. "Let's go pay" You pay for the items and leave.

You both make it to the food court and look at each other with smirks on your faces. You and Tommy head over to r/n. Tommy orders the usual and brings it over to your guys table, You finish your food and wait for Tommy to do the same with his. Once he finishes you both throw your stuff away and grab your bags. "Anywhere else we should stop?" He asks. "Nah we got everything we need" that was until Tommy saw a piece of jewelry.

'Dammit ' you thought. Tommy runs into that store and you wait outside for him. 6 minutes later Tommy comes out with two of the same item, one for him and one for you. "Aw Thanks Tommy!" "You're welcome n/n"

Tommy and you exit the mall and walk to the car. Tommy and you open the backseat doors and place your bags inside the back, and get in front. Tommy turns the music back on and you repeat what you guys usually do whenever you both drive together somewhere. Tommy drives you to his house because you both agreed on a sleepover since you guys haven't had one in awhile.

"Today was soo much fun. Wish Angela could have came" Tommy says. "Same", you both start doing a fashion show, Screaming, Cheering, and laughing.

Finally you guys decided that it was gossip time. You both gossiped about people at work, friends etc. Tommy yawned and you did too, "Looks like it's time for bed" you say and Tommy agrees. "goodnight! Love you" Tommy says "Love you too bestie" and you both fall asleep.

- author note : I have a love hate relationship with this story 😭

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