The New Guy

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Chanse x Trans male reader ( requested )

You were currently on the phone with Anthony and Ian about the day you would be coming in for your first day, what you'd be assigned to and so forth. Ian and Anthony both agree with you coming in today. You both finish the call up and you make your way to the SMOSH HQ. 

Nervously shaking you sit down for a bit. Once you've calmed down you get up and open the door to be met with a male with curly hair and brown eyes. "Hi sorry um do you know where Ian Hecox is? I was told to come here and meet him so that he could tell me what I'd be doing around here." the male smiles "Yeah follow me! My name is Chanse by the way. What's yours?" "Y/n" You both continue walking to where Ian was, Once you reached the area Chanse waved goodbye and you waved back. You enter the room and Ian immediately looks up at you greeting you. "Hello Y/n!" "Hello Ian" You and Ian discuss for an hour or so on what you will be doing, He gives you a schedule for your time in the office and on set. You thank him and exit the room.

 You see Chanse again and wave. He looks over with a tint of blush and waves. Suddenly a tall woman pulls you towards them and greets you with a big smile, telling you her name is Amanda. You talk with the two until it was time to go on set for TNTL. You enter the set and look around in amazement. Chanse points out things you can use to make them laugh, The rules, and how much time you have.

Chanse and you both get ready to do your bits. Chanse watches you with a smile. Shayne notices and teases him in a friendly manner. Chanse quietly yells at Shayne and Shayne lets out a loud laugh which causes you to laugh as well. Chanse's focus pans on you again. You finish up your bit and go back to where the others are. TNTL was over and now you are hanging out with your new friend Tommy. You and Tommy burst out laughing at a reel on Instagram. Chanse walks over and you pull him over to see it, Tommy shows him the video and he laughs hard. It was now time to wrap everything up and go home. You exchange numbers with all your new friends, Last person you would give your number too is Chanse. You go to look for him and find him packing his stuff up. "Hey Chanse!" He looks up " Hi Y/n" you ask if he'd like to exchange numbers and he agrees immediately, That surprised you but you shook off that feeling and gave him your number as he gave you his. You say goodbye to him and exit the building and go home. 

You made it home and locked the front door. Walking upstairs you think about what happened at work today, you smiled. You get into bed and fall asleep thinking about one person in mind. Who has been on your mind the moment you laid eyes on them..

That person was Chanse. 

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