Chapter One(Prologue)

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Mizuzalire nation: West region Tuesday

Darkness... Horror...Ambush... Those are the only three words that this young eagle, tasked for guard duty, could use to describe this situation. A dark cloaked figure is seen walking slowly to him. It seems that this figure has a mysterious and intimidating aura about him that just screams despair... Blood dripped to the cold stone ground... On closer inspection, it seems that in the figure's hand was the head of another fellow guard, a coyote, face frozen in the expression of pain. The young guard conjures a spear made from earth, as he raises it at the opposing figure.

Guard 1: Y-you! You there!! Halt immediately!!

The figure did not stop in their movement towards this young eagle. The eagle stepped back a bit, like there was something letting him know that this was a fight that he couldn't possibly win. Like a natural instinct. Just then, the eagle notices something else in the figure's right hand. It looks to be a dark shadowy cube with a blood red core. It looks demonic in a way, how it pulses with immense potential energy and power. The eagle's eyes widen as his blood runs cold.

Guard 1: Wait.. T-thats.. How did you?..

Terror comes across the young eagle's face as the realization hits him. The item that this figure holds is the Demon's Darkness Curse. Something that was supposed to be well and highly protected and guarded is now in the possession of this mysterious person.

A second guard hearing the commotion hurries to the scene. Seeing what the situation is, this average sized lizard man conjures a sword of condensed water and starts charging toward the figure with anger in his eyes.

Guard 2: In the name of the royal family! You will die here!!

The lizard man guard takes a swing at the figure. As he does, his sword is blocked by a sudden barrier of flames, blazing in front of the figure. The lizard man presses his sword against the barrier in an attempt to overpower it, but the sword of water simply sizzles and dissolves into the raging flames...

Guard 2: Grr... Flame magic... Just who are you!...

The lizard man gets blown back, the barrier flaring up and looking like it's becoming empowered in some sort. It condenses and swirls into a single spherical ball of flames. The eagle, seeing the potential threat, reacted to this, jumping in front of the lizard man as columns of earth formed in walls in front of both him and his fellow guard.

Guard 1: Gahh!--

The flame ball shot at them, exploding in a devastating blast sending them both flying backward, the eagle being closer to the blast was sent crashing into a stone wall, his slightly charred and burned figure collapsed onto the cold stone floor, just barely staying conscious...

The lizard man suffered from lesser injuries, he looked to see if the eagle was ok, then turned back to the figure's direction. Staying vigilant, he continued clashing with the figure in a battle of elemental swords and flares of magic.

Then, with one flame laser to the chest the lizard man falls to his knees, his burns and injuries he had gained along the course of the fight caused him to groan and wince in pain...The figure walks to the lizard man who's crouched on the ground, holding his side in immense pain. He curses under his breath as he struggles to breathe. The figure holds his hand out, charging a blast of fire. The red ominous glow from it stretches across the alleyways as the flames grow with every passing second... The figure then speaks in a slightly raspy tone.

Mysterious Figure: You've done well.. To entertain me for this long, at least...

The figure laughs as they exert their power, burning and imploding the lizard man alive as he lets out a last scream of pain... Finally, killing him...

The figure then walks up to the eagle, who is still heavily injured. The eagle, terrified for his life, tries to get himself off the floor only to be betrayed by his own weakness... A bright red glow comes across his face as another blast of condensed flames threatens to bring death upon him.

With a tired and strained tone of voice, the eagle speaks his final words to this cloaked tyrant.

Guard 1: In the name of the gods... You won't.. Get away.. With this...

Mysterious Figure: That's what they all say. But soon, even the four great gods of the four realms won't be able to stop what's coming...

With those last words, the figure exerts his power once more. The eagle watched his own death as if things were in slow motion.. The nighttime air.. Never felt so cruel.. And cold...


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