Chapter Three

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Mizuzalire Southern Region: Unknown Compounds

A young Arctic Wolf boy can seen moving across the rooftops of houses, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. He seems to be hurrying to someplace, leaping to the ground and onto the grassy fields, his feet moving swiftly through the wet grass. Leaping onto and from trees, sharp turns and twists in his movement of direction. Finally arriving at what looks like an eternal wintery estate, or compound.

At the front gates of this place, there stands two Polar Bear guards, strapped with white and silvery-blue plate armor. They immediately recognize him when he approaches, as the very young arctic wolf stops in front of them.

Guard 1: Atlas. Your time is 50 minutes and 32 seconds..

The now identified arctic wolf named Atlas seems a bit out of breath and is panting a bit, before slightly smirking.

Atlas: Heheh, I beat my record this time!. Did you see that Carter and Ketnis?

The Polar bear Carter opened his eyes to reveal his arcane eye. His silvery teal eyes with a lavender purple pupil in his eyes glowing faintly, as he spoke in a gruff tone.

Carter: Yes... Indeed I did. Quite the improvement young lord.

Atlas smirked again, his tail slowly swaying.

Atlas: Well thank you! I had a good feeling about this one, now that I am going under more physical training. ^^ Speaking of which though, is my dad home yet?

The Polar Bear spoke, remaining unmoving..

Carter: Yes... Rigron is in the quarters of the main estate... He awaits your arrival..

Atlas: Heh, funny thing. I'm usually the one waiting for his arrival... Well alright then.

The Polar Bears took the hint and opened the big, tall, and thick frosted stone doors, engraved on them was a symbol of a three headed jackal, its eyes encrusted with 6 red gems for the total of the 3 heads. The door opens surprisingly quickly despite the doors massive size. The white colored grass sways in the frosty winds as Atlas steps through the gates.

Atlas walks down the main path to the main estate, moving past the red glowing lanterns that rest upon poles that line the walkways. He passes animals consisting of Polar Bears, Arctic Wolfs, Foxes, and even Sharks that respectfully bow as he passes. He arrives at the main estate as he opens the Grand Metal doors.

Entering the main hall, passing rooms and hallways that lead to other parts of the building. Atlas continues walking to his destination, his paws feeling the ever familiar soft carpet, following the paths of the hallways. Red light flickers from the lanterns hoisted on the walls that light up the silver framed paintings and weapons on the walls. As he approaches the doors to his fathers room, another set of metal doors stand in front of him as he pushes them open.

The room isn't that large as it consists of an elegant silver table that has paper and normal items his father would use for work, a king sized bed with white sheets with swirling patterns that resemble falling snowflakes, four blue flame lanterns on the walls and paintings that look even more impressive than the ones in the hallways. They seem to have more... Meaning, to them. He is met with the sight of his father sitting in his royal seat in front of the table, seemingly working on whatever he is busy with.

The seat he sits on is a black marble throne like chair that is covered by a white fur covering. Three crimson gems are embedded in the head of the throne chair, glistening. Not wasting another moment, Atlas kneels in front of the silver table.

Atlas: I see you have made it back father, welcome home.

His tone is formalized as he shows the respect needed for addressing his father. The father speaks, in a deep voice.

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