Chapter Five

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Mizuzalire Northern Region: Grand Academy Thursday 13:35

The air filled with the scent of flames and lightning as Railen and Zaizen both charged at each other as they clashed strongly together with their fist embedded with magic. They start using paw to paw fighting as they are both equally focused. Railen smirks as he seems to be getting the upper hand with paw to paw combat as his movements and technique are more skillful and fluid. Railen ends up getting a strong hook to Zaizen's stomach as he lurches from the impact, getting pushed back. Zaizen doesn't seem to be done yet in the slightest as he gets up immediately. Zaizen smirks a bit as he summons fire in his right paw.

Zaizen: Heh, not bad.. You seem to be experienced in paw to paw, but how about with magic skill?

Zaizen blasts projectiles of fire continuously as Railen quickly dodges out of the way of them. The young Cat keeps on blasting flames at the young Cheetah, but he can't get a good hit in as Railens body is sparking with lightning, enhancing his speed. He continues his attack, not giving up. Railen, looking for an opening, charges towards Zaizen. Zaizen, seeing this, suddenly releases a burst of flames from his body, forcing Railen back. Zaizens' body obtains a fiery coat as he empowers his body, then blitzing toward Railen with his flaming fist. Railen somehow manages to block his attack, putting his arms up in a defencive stance as he gets pushed back again with his arms a bit charred and bruised from the impact.

Railen: Heh.. Not bad. I'd love to play more, but we're in the middle of a match here.

Zaizen: Funny, I was just about to say the same thing...

Zaizen smirks as he raises his paw in Railen's direction. Flames form in his paw, but these ones are different.. They look like flames, but they seem to act like lightning, creating a sort of Blaze in the middle of his paw. Railen's eyes widen a bit as he pauses for a moment, trying to recognize what magic that is. Thinking back, Railen remembers Zaizen not sharing his final affinity to the class. He questions if this is what he was hiding or not. Everyone else watches intensely as they see flame like lightning spark off Zaizen's paw in a blaze. The magic expands in volume but then condenses, making it crackle more. Zaizen smirk widens a bit.

Zaizen: Surprise~~

Zaizen blasts his magic towards Railen in a blazing flash. The young Cheetah had no time to dodge as he is hit head-on in the chest with the attack. He can feel his body getting zapped but burned at the same time as the bolt slightly explodes on impact as he yells out in shock and pain, getting sent flying back and hitting the wind barrier around the arena.

Railens eyes squint shut from the pain as he lays on the floor. He groggily tries to get up, groaning a bit as Instructor Orman dispels the wind barrier.

Instructor Orman: Well done you two! Splendid performance. Zaizen is indeed the winner, but you showed impressive skill as well Railen.

The Orca's hand sprouts water magic as it washes over Railen, healing up his injuries. Railen sits there for a moment, feeling his body, stunned at how quick his Instructor's healing is. Zaizen walks back to the group as Eathor starts making a small ruckus, trying to get Zaizen to tell him what he just did.

Eathor: Hey! What was that all about? That flamy zappy thing you just did! What was it, tell me!

Zaizen smirks a bit as he puts his paws on his hips

Zaizen: And why should I tell you? ('・ω・')

Eathor: Wha?- Because you just showed it! So you might as well tell us.

Zaizen: Alright, fine, since you won't stop begging for it~

Eathor blushes a bit as he's caught off guard by that comment

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