Chapter Four

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Mizuzalire Northern Region: Grand Academy Thursday 05:00

In the Grand Academy, a meeting is being hosted of great importance. The Nation Leaders office was filled with 8 people besides the leader himself, who all are of different species. An Ox, a Leopard, an Orca, a Shark, a Crocodile, an Anaconda, an Eagle, and a Grizzly Bear. They seem to be deep in conversation in discussing events. They are sitting in white and blue wooded, sturdy chairs around the large desk that Draconix sits in front of. Draconix, leading this conversation, has interest in what his higher-ups have to say about this whole ordeal.

Draconix: Was there anything else that anyone would like to share about things being changed for the Academy?..

The Orca spoke, his voice unique in a way. It was deep but slightly raspy.

Orca: Yes.. And I think I speak for all the instructors on this one, but we are going to increase our teaching levels a bit. With the curse stolen, we are prone to more enemy attacks.. We should have the instructors speed things up a bit for all of the class sectors to better prepare our students for what's to come.

Draconix nods his head. He sort of expected this to be the case of things.

Daconix: Yes.. I agree, it is best to make training for them a higher difficulty.

The Eagle in the room spoke up in turn, her feathers clean and bold.

Eagle: How much of an increase of difficulty are we complying here?..

Orca: A substantial amount.. It should be enough that there is a considerable difference in our students' growth in strength and knowledge. We wouldn't want to overload them completely or over tire them too much. But it should be just below that fatigue result.

The Anaconda spoke next, as his long tail coiled up slightly. His black robes matching up with his almost black scales, perching up his glasses.

Anaconda: Yes, I agree as well. Teachings will speed up in intensity for our students, so they are prepared for any unwanted situations. I recommend that we start rankings as soon as possible.

The snake's tongue flickered out a bit as his tail slithered and coiled.

Orca: Rankings... Hm.. Yes, that should be appropriate for students. We will have to start mini guilds sooner than expected then.

Draconix leaned forward in his seat more as he taped his desk..

Draconix: Hmm.. Well then.. That concludes it.. We will have mini guilds done quicker this time around and have rankings done as soon as possible.. This meeting has concluded. If there are any more questions or anything else anyone would like to add, then speak now while we're all in one place.

The room was silent.. No one had anything else left to add about this topic for now..

Draconix: Alright.. You're all dismissed then. Return to your duties as you please..

Everyone stood up, some nodding slightly before all turning towards the door and bowing before exiting his excellency's main office.

All but one.. The Ox, or Tarian, didn't leave yet as he stood in front of Draconix.

Tarian: If I may ask something.. I was wondering if you had any leads to who may have stolen the curse.. The thought has been troubling me for a bit..

Draconix leaned backward a bit in his seat, putting his claw up to his chin in thought.

Draconix: Hm.. I can relate to your troubles, Terrin.. This has been a bit troubling for me as well.. It is quite worrisome...

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