Chapter Two(Prologue Part 2)

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Mizuzalire Northern Region: Grand Academy   Wednesday

Chaos… The following day after the mysterious figure’s appearance, the village was in utter panic. The head of the Grand Academy: Draconix, was entirely busy with large amounts of paperwork, and being bombarded with lots of questions that he unfortunately did not have answers to.

With the help of his subordinates, people managed to calm to a reasonable level, so that things could be investigated and hopefully be able to shed some light on this whole event.

The head of the Grand Academy, who is also the leader of the Civilization Mizuzalire, sat in deep thought, growling at himself as to how he could this happen…

Draconix: (The Demon’s Darkness Curse was… Stolen…For someone to do such a thing, would have to be at least an A rank… No… Perhaps S rank. They had to be skilled enough to not cause a big ruckus to refrain from drawing attention…)

The Royal Blue Dragon's thoughts pondered in his mind as he tries to decipher this situation.

Draconix: (Was it an outsider?... No… Information here is heavily secretive. There's no way that anyone from the outside civilizations could know exactly where the curse was. So that only leaves…)

He paused as his brow furrowed at the thought of someone from the nation purposely wanting to steal the curse for whatever reason…

He was snapped out of his thoughts as someone entered his quarters. A bulky strong looking Ox entered the quarters as he bowed to the Grand Leader.

Draconix: Tarian… Has something come up?

The Ox now identified as Tarian, spoke with a stern respect…

Tarian: If this is a good time, I have come to inform you that the instructors are quite worried about the safety of their students and about what things may come out of this whole.. Ordeal..

Draconix shifted in his seat before replying.

Draconix: Yes… That is understandable… Tell them that we will be hosting a grand meeting to discuss everything that’s happened. And the ideas or changes we may have to put in effect to ensure stable control… If that is everything you have, you are dismissed.

The middle-aged looking Ox nodded, bowing again before taking his leave. Leaving Draconix to their thoughts once more..

Draconix: Damn it… I have a horrid feeling about what might happen now.. But.. We should be more than prepared to face anything that is to be thrown at us…

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