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hey guys!

these are the main characters of the story 

PS I am not adding any pictures. I might post the aesthetics of the main characters but I am not sure.

Anastasia Knight/Romano: 16 years

Assainan: Elektra Frost

Donna of the British mafia

Eye color: light blue

Hair: white blonde

Kidnapped 3 days after she was born, and abused by her foster parents. Cold, deadly, scary, has trust issues, and only talks with her best friend. Is insecure about her scars and bruises. She is one of the deadliest Assassins in the underground world.

Marco Romano 

Ex-don of the Italian mafia

Eye color: light blue

Hair: black

only shows his loving and sweet side to his family. Other people know him as a cold, scary man. Misses his Bambina (baby) and Moglie(wife) spends all his time trying to find them

Amelia Romano: 45 Years

Ex Donna of the Italian mafia

Eye color: green

Hair: blonde

Assassin Nyx

Was kidnapped the day her Bambina (baby) was born. Was stabbed by the Russian Don 15 years ago.

Alessandro Romano: 26 years

Don of Italian Mafia

Eye color: green

Cold, secretive, and scary doesn't talk much after his sorella (sister) was kiddnaped. Is a workaholic and barely spends time with his family. Blames himself for the kidnapping of his spelling and misses his mother a lot. Spends all of his time looking for his mother and sorellina (Baby sister)

Elijah Romano: 25 years

Second in command of the mafia

Eye color: green

Cold, has developed anger issues and blames himself for his mother's kidnapping. Drowns himself in work and barely talks to anyone. Misses his neonata  (baby girl) very much and spends all his free time looking for her 

Matteo Romano: 23 years

Doctor of the mafia

Eye color: light blue

Sometimes help in missions

Is the mother of the family takes care of all his brothers and makes sure all of them are doing well. misses his sorellina (baby sister) very much.

Emilio Romano: 18 years

Assaian night rider

Eye color: light blue

Dangerous, barely talks, secretive, always has a cold face, he misses his sorella (sister) a lot.

Xander Romano:17 years

Assaain night shadow

Eye color: green

Prankster of the family he tries to lift everyone's mode. One of the top rated Assasians in the underground world. Misses his mother and sorella (sister) a lot.

Nicolas Romano (Anastasia twin): 16 years

Assassin shadow blade

Eye color: light blue

Only his family knows the fun side of him. Lonely most of the time as he dosent have any friends. Misses his sorella gemella (twin sister) and mother a lot. Wishes he could have protected them.

Do comment on what you think 


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