Chapter 9

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I see my house coming into view

I got out of the taxi and paid the driver giving him an extra 50 dollar tip

I stood in front of the door debating whether I should open it or not

I mean I could climb up my window they wouldn't even know

Nah..that's too much work

well here goes nothing.....


I opened the door and relief took over me there was no one there

but that relief didn't last long as I heard voices coming from the living room 

well shit

I took a deep breath and walked towards the living room, trying to muster the confidence to deliver my fabricated story. As I approached, the voices became clearer – my twins' worried tone and my father's and older brothers' stern one. They were all waiting for me, and I knew there was no escaping this conversation.

"Hi, guys" I greeted them as casually as I could manage.

"Tazia, where have you been?" Nicholas asked, his eyes filled with concern. 

"We've been worried sick!" Alessandro said  

My father crossed his arms, his face stern. "And why didn't you answer your phone? We've been trying to reach you all day."

I stared at them a blankly with only one question going through my mind 

why tf do they care 

" I was with some of my old friends"

"I am sorry I got you all worried"

Dad's expression softened slightly, but my older brothers remained skeptical. 

"right..." Nicholas said 

he wanted to say something but decided against it 

"anyways now that you are here let's go for dinner," Eilljah said breaking the tension 

everyone took a seat as the dinner was being served 

I sat between Aunt Isabella and Emilo

I am surprised no one mentioned last night

everything was going well until halfway through the meal Dad cleared his throat 

"Um. Anastasia I want to see you in my office after dinner I have to talk to you about something" Dad said


"Alright" knowing exactly why he wants to see me

after dinner, I followed Dad to his office 

"have a seat Bambina," he said as he sat on his chair

I took a seat across from him 

for the first few minutes, he started at me and I stared at him back

"so...what did you want to talk about," I asked breaking the awkward silence 

"Uhm I don't know how to put this but I want you to answer my questions honestly," he said nervously 

isn't he some scary mafia ex-don 

"Okay..." I said

"Can you please explain what happened last night?" he asked 

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