Chapter 2

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Marco Romano (Dad)

"WHAT DO  YOU MEAN YOU THERE WAS NO SHIPMENT" I yelled to my staff who were sent to get our shipment. lately, our shipment has been getting stolen, I am positive this is the work of the Russians. 

"S-ssir i-ii swear-r ther-er th-e shi-pm-ent was-s mis-sin-gg" one of them stuttered.

"FUCKING HE-" I was cut off with my phone ringing 

I quickly dismissed my staff and picked up my phone 

"Hello," I said 

"Hello is this Mr Romano?" a female voice came

"Yes that's me" I replied 

"well Mr. Romano I am a social worker from England and I have called regarding the guardianship of Anastasia, unfortunately, her guardian died in a car accident. Would you like to take her or should we place her in foster care? "

No fucking way, I am finally getting my bambina back. I can't wait to tell the boys.

"hello sir you still there," she said snapping me from my thoughts

"Oh Yes I will take her in, I will be there tomorrow sharp at 9 AM" I replied in a cold voice 

I might sound like I don't care, but I have a reputation to maintain. 

anyways time to break the news 

"BOYS COME DOWNSTIRS FAMILY MEETING " As soon as I finished all of my kids came down running.

"Dad what could be so important that you couldn't wait for dinner" Eiljha my second son exclaims.

"yeah Dad I was in the middle of a meeting," my eldest son says

"Well boys as I was saying I got  a call from Englan-" I started but was interrupted by Emilo 

"Dad you called us just to tell us that you got a call from England," he said

"Well as I was saying before I was rudely interpreted by someone" I started glaring at Emilo "I got a call from England that they found Anastasia. our princess is coming back." I finished.

their reaction was priceless 

some were crying and others were smiling, my eyes landed on Nicholas who was on the verge of crying, finally getting to see his twin sister.

"Alessandro you will be coming with me to pick her up, we will be leaving in 30 minutes," I said 

"the rest of you will meet her tomorrow night at dinner."

"You all are dismissed"

a bunch of okays came 

3 hours later 

I finally signed the papers and now we are here at her school in the principal's office 

"Miss Anastasia please report to the principal's office"

a few minutes later the door kicked open and she walked in and took a seat like she owned the place 

Well she is Romano after all

she is so beautiful, reminds me so much of Amelia 

"Jhonn I swear it wasn't me who sprayed painted you're car," she said

I am guessing that's his name

WAIT hold on a minute did she say Spray painting his car 

great we have another Xander 

"cut the act Anastasia I saw you doing it with my own eyes on the CCTV camera" he exclaimed.

 "Whatever," she said 

"anyways how long this time," she asked 

He looked at her with pity, and I instantly felt her mood drop and she put a cold face back on.

"jhon you know how much I hate pity," she said with no emotion. 

"Anastasia I am sorry to tell you that your father has died in a car accident," he said his voice filled with sympathy.

She just looked at him with a blank face

Yep she is one of us 

but I still can't help but feel something isn't right 

"So what now will I be transferred to a foster home or what?" she questioned.

"The police have run a DNA test and we have found your family they are ready to take you in," he said pointing towards us.

that's my cue 

 "Hi neonata (baby girl), I am your father!"  I said smiling at her 

she just stared at me and replied with a cold Hi 

What the FUCK happened to her

she is not the same Anastaisa that got kidnapped 


"Hey there!

How's everyone doing today? I'm excited to share that the second chapter of my story is finally out! I really hope you enjoyed reading it. Chapter 3 is in the works and I can't wait to share it with you soon. 

I would love to hear your thoughts about the latest chapter, so don't hesitate to leave a comment. Your feedback means a lot to me and it helps me improve my writing. And while you're at it, don't forget to vote! 

Thanks for your support and stay awesome!"


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