Chapter 11

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I was able to sneak in yesterday night without any problem 

today I woke up later than usual around 8 AM 

which I am very thankful to see as today will be a tiring day 

I have to go fucking shopping 

and that too with my brothers 

After breakfast, I went to my room to get ready for the day 

I took a long shower and cleaned my wounds

my bruises were a lot better but I am pretty sure my ribs are broken and there is something wrong with my ankle because I can't walk long distances 

I know I should probably see a doctor but I will need my guardian with me which is my dad and that means telling them about the abuse 

yeah...not happening 

After my shower, I carefully dressed, wincing as I pulled on my clothes.

I wore a large blue sweatshirt and some baggy pants so that I would be comfortable

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I wore a large blue sweatshirt and some baggy pants so that I would be comfortable

Every movement seemed to aggravate my ribs and ankle, but I tried to ignore the pain. I just needed to get through today.

My brothers were already waiting downstairs, ready for the shopping trip. 

They were annoyingly energetic.

"ANASTASIA WE HAVE TO GET GOING" Nicholas practically screamed 

I headed downstairs trying not to show that I was in pain 

I slightly winced reaching the last few steps 

"geez dude have some patience," I said to him 

he huffed and went outside others trailing behind him 

the car ride consisted of them bickering about which music to play 

I just ignored them and tried my best to keep my mind off my aching ribs putting all my focus on looking outside 

they seriously picked the wrong day to ache 

the ride was supposed to be 20 minutes but thanks to Emilos driving skills we reached in 10 minutes 

note the sarcasm 

'mi'm pretty sure we got at least 5 speeding tickets 

"Sorella where do you want to go?" Xander asked

"I don't know your pick," I said shrugging

" about we go to H&M" Nicholas suggested 

"Sure" I replied in a bored tone 

"Aren't you girls supposed to be excited about shopping?" Emilo asked 

"well.. dear brother you should know by now I am not like other girls" I replied giving him a blank expression 

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