Prologue 1

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January 20th 2008

Third person POV

Today was a life-changing day for the Romano family as they welcomed another member into the family. The whole family was waiting outside excited to meet the baby. A few hours later the doctors let the family inside. Everyone crowded over to the bed, and one by one held the baby in their arms. However, something they did not notice was that there was another baby wrapped in a pink blanket.

A few hours ago....

Amelia's POV

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Romano you have twins a boy and a girl." the nurse said I was shocked to find out that I was blessed with a baby girl. I looked over to my husband who was as shocked as I was, both of us were in tears. After 4 generations our family was finally blessed with a baby girl.

Marcos POV

The moment I held my bambina in my arms I vowed to protect her with my life. I can't wait to see my family's reaction. I can already tell that she will have all her brothers and uncles wrapped around her finger. I looked over to my wife who was now waking up from her. I quickly lay down my son who fell asleep in my arms and rushed over and took my daughter into my arms. My wife informed me that I could now call the family in.

Back to present

I cleared his throat to get everyone's attention and said "Everyone I would like you to meet my daughter, Anastasia Romano." There were gasps heard all around the room. All the men had tears in their eyes as they finally had a princess to protect.

Back to Amelia's POV

It's been a few hours since everyone had left and I am now alone in my room the twins are getting checked one last time before they can leave. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard the door opening, and two men in black came towards me. "can I help you" I asked using my cold tone, they didn't respond instead one of them lunged forward and put a cloth over my mouth muffling my screams. Suddenly I felt a needle go into my neck and after a few minutes my vision started to get blurry in a matter of seconds I blacked out..

Hey there, everyone!

I'm so excited to share the first prologue of the book with you, and I promise that there will be a second one before the chapters start. I would love to hear your thoughts on this chapter, so please don't hesitate to share them with me. Your feedback is incredibly valuable, and I'm grateful for any insights you can offer. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this, and I can't wait to hear from you all!


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