Chapter 4 - The Discussion

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Sokka's POV:

He's just staring at me with his golden, yellow eyes. They look very... comforting and warm... Does he want me to say something? The silence is loud. And very fucking awkward.

"So.. why did you even invite me here?" I ask, just to fill the silence. I'm just curious anyway.

"Oh- right. Erm..." he stands there, thinking. "Did you.. want to go out and see some places? I can give you a tour of the fire nation, so when you visit you won't get lost?" He asks. That was not why he brought me here, but I went with it anyway, unsure of what to say if I didn't.

"Sure, sure. That would be nice. If this palace wasn't as big as it is, then I would've gotten lost, if I'm being honest." I make a joke out of my lack of being able to navigate through this big ass city.

"Then, while we wait for your cactus juice and my jasmine tea, how about I get a small map on the city and show you places? Some nice hit places and just shops you may like in general." He doesn't seem too confident, but I still trust him. Who wouldn't?

"Sure, I'd love to see around the city. I'll get to see everything in person and not just on Google maps." I give an awkward, nervous laugh. I'm so fucking stupid-

"You do that?" He laughs. "I don't blame you. It's difficult going somewhere you've never really been before."

He laughed at a joke. He actually fucking laughed at one of my jokes. That's a once in a life time experience right there. He's always so.. grumpy. He hasn't changed in the two years we've been apart. I just.. wished he's been more happier. Why is he so grumpy? If anything, he'd tell me if he was. He trusts me like I trust him. And I trust him with my life.

He gets one of his maps, I guess he likes the old-fashioned way, and he places it on his desk. I open a packet of fireflakes, and start eating at I look down at the map.

It's a map of the ENTIRETY of the main city of the fire nation. It looks so fucking small on a map. I stuff some fireflakes in my mouth, and look at Zuko. Then at the map. Then at Zuko. Then at the map. Then at flameo hotman. He looks so great with his hair up.. Sokka, focus, would you?! It's just a nice.. day with Zuko. Nothing more.

Zuko's POV:

I'm focused on the map. Just the map. Don't look at Sokka. Just look at the map. Point to where we are. Go on. It's simple, the biggest building on the map. Look at the map. Am I sweating? I feel like I'm sweating. Is it hot in here? Fuck!

I looked at Sokka for one moment. Then he stared at me back. Direct eye contact. Shit. I can't do this- but I can. I can do this. Just stall until our drinks get here. Just stall for time. Just stall for time. Holy fuck.

I look back at the map. And just the map.

"As you know, we are here." I point to the biggest place on the map. The palace. Like it wasn't obvious enough- gah! You didn't have to point that out! Fucking idiot!

"What's this building?" Sokka points to someone's house with his.. dirty fingers. They have fireflake dust all over them. I guess he was hungry after all. Uncle was right. He likes the treats. Good thing he didn't touch the map, he just hovered his dusty fingers over it.

"That's someone's house, Sokka. If you're looking for the stores, they would be over here. Near the entrance." I point to a section of the map. It's in front of the entrance, but it leaves a good enough gap for people to walk in and take in the scenery first.

"The word will get out quite quickly when I'm outside of the palace. I won't be able to take you far without people following us around. I most likely won't even be able to take you half way." I look into Sokka's blue eyes as I speak. They are a really nice shade of blue. Prettier than the sky and the ocean, that's a fucking fact.

"I get that, since you're the fire lord and all. Pretty cool though." He replies. Can I not state the fucking obvious for once?! Wait- did he call me cool? No- no. It was the idea that people would follow us. Why would that be cool?! Can I not fucking think straight?! Shit!

Focus. Zuko, focus. Just take him out shopping. It's the least you can do. He'd love it. It would make a greater bond with the two of you. That's good, especially since we haven't seen each other in... whatever. I forget. It's just been too fucking long.

There's a knocking at the door. I get away from the map and make my way to the door, opening it. It was our drinks. I take them both, and the guard leaves.

"Sokka. Your cactus juice." I say as I hold out his cactus juice for him. What a weird drink to ask for.. eh. I can't say shit. I hated tea now Jasmine tea is like the best thing I've ever had.

Sokka takes his juice and we both have our drinks in our hands. My tea is the perfect temperature. Can just have a wrong temperature? Ugh- I should've asked.

"Thanks, Zuko." He just says with a smile on his face. His smile... it's quite infectious as it brings a smile to my face too.

"It's no problem, really. If you want anything, just say." I take a drink of my tea. It tastes just how Uncle would make it. He most likely did make it. He always does things like this.. for me.

I'm grateful.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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