Chapter 4: Reality Bites

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You and Loki leave the bar together. It is a strange feeling, just being with him in the most ordinary of circumstances. Up until this point, all the time you have spent together has been touched by magic; your environment, your clothes, yourself. This is new and different. You walk together in the cool evening air, Loki's arm casually draped around your shoulder.

Oddly, it is now that you feel most vulnerable. You have stood before Loki fully naked, submitted to his desires and allowed him to touch you in the most intimate of ways, but only now do you feel completely exposed. This is your everyday life, with no sheen or lustre to raise it from the commonplace.
In Loki's visions of mischief, you have been confident and alluring, but you are not at all sure that you hold any interest for him as you truly are. You glance up towards Loki. He seems unaware of your discomfort and, by contrast, appears relaxed and content. He looks around your world, intrigued by his surroundings and fascinated by the night above him. You survey the familiar constellations you have known all your life: The Plough, Orion, Ursa Major. Loki watches as you observe the sky.

"What do you see, Kitten?" He asks, gently. You stop and point.

"Do you see those three stars? And the four to the right? We call it The Plough. I've always thought it looks more like a saucepan to be honest." Loki smiles with amusement.

"And there - the three bright ones on a row? That's Orion's belt. The Hunter, son of Poseidon. Can you see the bow? Apparently, he raped the daughter of the ruler of Chios, which didn't go down at all well. Outlandish mythical God stuff - it's all nonsense, of course." Your heart skips a beat. What did you just say? You cover your face with your hands as if you could hide your thoughtless words from Loki. You feel him lightly lift your hands away and hold them in his own.

You look up at him slowly, apologetically. Loki's eyes are sparkling and animated. He lets out bursts of laughter and pulls you close to him.

"Midgardians! They understand so little, but believe so much. Yet you are quite different. I suppose I should be flattered that you chose to believe in me," he says with a wry smile. You lower your eyes. You consider your words more carefully this time.

"Beliefs don't require evidence. They are unfounded and irrational, more like wishes. But you - I don't need to believe in you. There is no credible reason to doubt your existence. I have felt how real you are, in every way," you assure him.

He looks at you with a new hint of curiosity. "Not in every way, my pet," he smirks. Your mind races for a moment, considering what further possibilities he might be contemplating. It gives you some self-assurance and, as you continue to walk together, you feel bold enough to ask the question that has been hovering around your mind since you left the bar.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" you ask, hoping to sound more laid-back that you really feel. You look back up at the stars, not wanting to meet his gaze. It dawns on you just how much you want to hear the right answer to this question.

"Yes. I will. I will do as you ask of me," he replies simply. You are relieved and comforted, but you hold on to the answer in your thoughts. He will do as you ask. Because he is willing to please you? Or because it is what he also desires?

The walk has brought you to your destination and, as you enter your home, the normality of it seems quite oppressive. What must Loki think of the humdrum human life that you live? It seems full of the utterly inconsequential: washing up, laundry, cleaning, bills. Does Loki even consider such things? You become aware that for everything you have shared, you have not yet really talked to Loki. Your understanding of him is based on what you think you know of him from stories. And you have no idea what he does or doesn't know about you. You have so many questions, but you're not even sure you want to know the answers. You are afraid that bringing Loki more closely into your reality might break the magic. What troubles you even more, is the fear that the more he knows about you, the less interesting you may seem.

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