Chapter 9: Travelling Light

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Loki gets up suddenly, almost jumping to his feet and startling you.

"Are you ready?" he questions brightly.

"Ready for what?"

"To go. You have made your choice. Are you ready?" he repeats.

Your brain races. "'s just..." you stammer. You realise you are looking for any reason; any excuse to buy you more time. Are you ready to leave your world forever and stray into the complete unknown with a relative stranger? No. No, you are not ready. Capitalising on your well-practiced ability to shut down the sentiments of a situation and focus on the practicalities, you draw attention to your most immediate requirements.

"Loki. I'm wearing pyjamas. And I'm hungry," you state.

"Ah, yes. More mortal problems. Clothing and sustenance; surely you must find these trivialities to be very inconvenient?" Loki's manner is light and jovial. The decision is made and he is looking ahead. He seems no longer to be aware of the predicament you are in, how you might feel about the loss of your world or your trepidation about your future. A burst of anger flares in your chest at his lack of consideration. But you take a deep breath and try to steady your emotions, reminding yourself that Loki is offering you a lifeline.

"inconvenient?" you query, "Perhaps a God can help me with my mortal problems then. Find me a suitable outfit for traveling across the nine realms. And find me some breakfast. I can assure you, a full English cooked breakfast is no inconvenience to anyone. Quite the opposite, in fact."

Loki smiles, chuckling slightly. "There are several of your outfits that I have already appreciated and would be glad to see you travel the nine realms in, Kitten," he says with a smirk.  You roll your eyes. "My pet," he continues, "have no concern. Your clothing matters not. We will need to change our attire to suit our destination in any case."

Strangely, Loki's soft teasing and lightness of mood makes you feel more at ease. The intensity of the past days has taken its toll, and you are comforted to see him back to his usual mischievous self.

"Fine. Right. Well, I'm going to need breakfast before I go anywhere. And you're coming with me."
You pull on your favourite jeans, t-shirt and sweater and drag a brush through your hair. Fair enough. You go as you are. No more, no less. You pick up your bag and grab Loki by the hand, pulling him down the stairs and out of the front door. The door slams shut behind you as you stride out into the street. You suspect that you are repressing a whole raft of feelings, but in the moment, you find there is a bizarre lightness to knowing that nothing really matters any more.

It is early, and the streets are quiet. The sun is shining weekly through the feathery clouds as you walk up the road, fingers interlocked with Loki's, appearing to all the world like any mortal couple - albeit Loki's attractiveness and presence go far beyond anything you have ever encountered in a mortal.

You find your favourite café already open with only a couple of customers inside. You sit at a small table in the window, Loki opposite you. His expression is curious as he takes in his surroundings. You have been here so many times, but for the first time, you see it through someone else's eyes. The place has an unkempt feel about it. Mismatched chairs and tables with an old lino floor. There is no fancy coffee machine, no branding, no menus. Only well-thumbed newspapers sitting on the tables, a chalk board behind the till and a slightly dishevelled waitress with a black apron and a pad of paper. You suddenly wonder if Loki will be offended by the place, appalled by your choice. But when you look at him, there is no more than intrigue and slight bemusement in Loki's eyes.

"Why here, Kitten? Why this?" he asks.

"Because I'm hungry," you reply. A throw-away comment. You consider the question more carefully for a few more moments then continue, "And because it is familiar. I needed to do something normal before..." you trail off. 

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