Chapter 13: The After-Party

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Standing in the shadows, just a few metres behind you, is Loki. Your Loki. No cloak, no bravado. Only strength and authority. He stands tall and still, a slight green aura still glowing around him. In the dim light, you cannot see his face clearly or read his expression.

The relief you feel at his presence, knowing you are safe, is palpable. But you are also juggling a heady mix of other emotions. Confusion, at the way he chose to behave tonight, drawing you into another one of his fantastical games. Embarrassment, that your aim to show your independence had not gone to plan, culminating with you being entirely reliant on Loki to rescue you. Anger, that he lured you somewhere dangerous, took what he wanted from you and left you alone. It was his doing that put you in jeopardy.

As you walk towards him, he remains motionless, watching you.

"Quite an adventure you've been on tonight, Kitten," he says gently as you approach. You can sense his slight smile from his voice. You stand before him, resolute, his lightness of tone further fuelling your resentment at his actions.

"Why did you behave like that? Why did you leave me?" you demand, your voice unwavering.

"I came to you. I kept you safe – as I said I would," he counters simply.

"Safe! It's your fault I ended up in this mess! What were you thinking? Pretending not to know me, taking me to that place...doing what you did!" you exclaim indignantly, almost shouting in exasperation.

The smile remains on his face and he replies calmy, with a slight shrug, "It was a long time ago. And I didn't know you."

His answer makes no sense at all. "Loki," you persist, "it was no more than half an hour ago!"

"For you, yes. But for me? Perhaps nearer two Earth years. It's hard to be precise – the passing of time becomes difficult to track when you exist outside a set timeline..."

You stare at Loki, your eyebrows furrowed, gaping as you struggle to make sense of his words.

"Do you mean that wasn't you," you question incredulously, "that I was with tonight?"

"Well, technically, yes, it was me. But me in the past."

"You really didn't recognise me then?" you ask.

"How could I – I'd never met you before," he responds.

"So you're telling me there are two of you here? In this same time and place?" Loki nods his confirmation. "But I thought you only visited a Nexus Event once?" you continue.

"That is the safest way, yes." Loki reaches out and gingerly takes your hands in his. "But I knew how much you would love this place, at exactly this time. I thought it was worth the risk. And, anyway, I knew it would all turn out," he assures you.

"How could you possibly know that?" you question with some scepticism.

"Because I remember the first time I met you, and I remember what we did together. It was me you spent this evening with Kitten - me from my past. It was early on in the time hopping. I was arrogant, egotistical, selfish; still confident that I could do what I wanted and get my own way. It was unfortunate that you were left alone – but I knew it would happen. That is why I was watching you. So I would be there, should you have need of me." Loki puts one long arm protectively around your shoulder and begins to lead you slowly back along the walkways towards the lift.

You consider Loki's explanation. The Loki you stand with now does not seem at all the same as the Loki you had been with earlier. Although the arrogance and determination to get his own way are familiar. But the only way he could know exactly how events would play out this evening, is if it had already happened to him, in his past. He knew you would decide to go out on your own. He knew you would run into his past self. He knew what would happen between you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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