Hook, Line and Sinker

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Sophia - Royal Kingdom

Daniel and I sit in the control room with several members of the magical tech team.

We have set up a special algorithm on the Dark web to notify us when searches containing certain key words come in. It's been a day now and nothing has flagged up, I'm starting feeling angst. 

This morning the King took me to Enzo's quarters for when he is in the Kingdom. He is indeed correct. I liked his room more than I do mine. I felt like I was encroaching but the king insisted I could even stay in his room if I wanted. Of course I don't, i would just as soon trash the place then sleep in his bed but I nod along politely.

I snooped at the few belongings he had in the room. A book which happened to be my favourite. A sweatshirt that I am currently wearing due to the King's persistence. Although I don't feel anything through the bond, the king thought it a good idea that I familiarise myself with his scent and hopefully I will find it comforting after a time.  I decide to placate him but I'm not sure I will ever find his scent Comforting.

I do have to admit he smells divine though even if I do crinkle my nose at the same time as taking in a deep lungful of his sweater. It's like a forbidden smell, I want to hate it but I'm not quite there yet. It's annoying, I want for him to smell like crap to me.

The King also showed me a photo. It's the first time I have properly looked at him. He is exactly my type. He's a huge hulk of a man, his arms look strong, small waist. Perfectly proportioned. Handsome. Gorgeous light brown hair with natural blonde highlights. Grey eyes. If he hadn't fucked me over I would feel like the luckiest girl in the realm.

I take a deep breath of the sweater again. Rationally I know it's not his fault but it's hard to hold anyone in high regard when they damn near killed you.

I shake the thoughts off and get back in to the game. I am a protector, I am doing my job and that's all.  I keep repeating the mantra in my head until it sinks in.

Yesterday we interviewed several male wolves from the file we had on Cara. The poor fucks who had been unfortunate enough to cross paths with the she wolf were mostly traumatised. God's knows what state of mind my own mate will be in. There will be nothing left of his sanity for me to fuck up judging by the men I have spoken with.

One of the men was more than traumatised by the experience. We deducted that she was experimenting with her craft. This particular wolf, felt like he couldn't say no to her. He told her several times he wanted to wait for his mate but became overwhelmed with lust for her. She begged him to have intercourse without protection and at the end begged him once more to Knot her.

To his horror he did. He said she started cackling like a witch when she was suctioned on to him. It wouldn't surprise me if she was already pregnant before leaving here.

We've come across 5 more males that she was successful with in her knotting game. I can't imagine how many more there must be. All the lives she will have ruined. It makes me sad. I wonder what happened to her to make her this sick in the head. The more I get to know her through our investigation the more I'm certain of how evil she is.  She's unhinged even and she needs locking away with the key thrown in to space for good measure.

"Sophia?" "take a look at this" Dan says. I sweep over to the makeshift control room we have set up. Once I see what he's looking at I smile, "Bingo" I say.

She really is brain dead. Most of our adds are coded so we know who's looking after the case here at HQ.  This particular add just says it's posted by Justice. i.e. little old me.

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